
TTC, spotting for 2 days, light period for 2 days, then spotting again...?

by  |  earlier

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My hubbie and I have been TTC... we did have s*x during the time I should have been ovulating. I should have started my period on Tues, well, I did have some light spotting that evening. Wed, I just spotted, it was pink/browinsh spotting. Thurs, I had what I thought was a period, but it was lighter than normal. (Not to be gross) I'd wipe and there would be blood, but there was nothing on the pad (I usually flow heavy). Fri (yesterday) it was even lighter and tapered right off to the pink/browish spotting again. Now today, I'm just doing very light spotting. I took a hpt and it came back negative. I've been nauseous off and on, have had headaches, and have been tired. I figure I'll take another test in a few days or so, but just wanted someone else's thoughts on the matter.

When preg w/ my son, I spotted for 2 days, but can't remember now how much or what it looked like. Thurs and Fri it was very much like a light period flow when I wiped, just nothing on the pad at all.




  1. You might be pregnant or you didn't ovulate this cycle, which would make your period lighter.  Definitely take a test again tomorrow morning.  Goodluck and baby dust to you!!!

  2. You can definitely have a light period when you are pregnant and from the sounds of your symptoms, congrats!  I would definitely wait a few more days and test again just to make sure there is enough hCG in your body for the test to pick up.  Good luck!

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