
TTC, what is the right date?

by  |  earlier

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I've had 2 miscarriages in the past but my most recent one (2nd) was in May. I got my period on June 25 and it lasted 4 days. My next period came July 25 and also lasted 4 days. Both were a little lighter but normal for the most part. I use this website to help keep track of my period but they sort of have me confused. By my calculations I am on a 30 day cycle but they are saying 35 days which makes me a little of with ovulating and when my next cycle is due. I can almost guarantee that my cycle is going to come on the 25th but they say 29th. What do you think? The reason I'm asking is because I'm ttc and I want to make sure I'm right. I'm not good with checking the c/m and the ovulation kit I'd rather just know the dates. Your opinions are greatly appreciated.




  1. Have you tried using basal body temp?  If you do it for a few months you can get a good idea of the time of month you ovulate so you can plan ahead.  It is a little more work than the calendar method, but not as stressful (in my oponion) as staring at your c/m.  Get a bbt from your drugstore $8 and put it by your bedside table.  Take your temp at the same time every morning before you do anything.  Record it on a sheet you print out or on an online graph ( or fertility gal).  Once you have seen a rise in temp (about one degree) and it stays raised it means you ovulated right before the temp spike.  After a few months you can see if you ovulate the same time every month and plan accordingly.  Best of luck

  2. Try using this site it works great for me. Its just put in your period info and how long your period is and it will tell you the best days ttc. It work for me on my first pregnancy that ended in a miscarriage june 26th and we are trying agian. good luck hope this helps  

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