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My hubby and I have been TTC for 5 months now and I was told by a doctor that I should concieve this month if I follow her advice so we did and I took a pregnancy test today to find out our results and it came back negative. Now can anyone explain to me what went wrong and why. My doctor told us to have s*x two days before I was to ovalate and then the day I was ovalating and then again two days after my ovalation and to wait two weeks to test and that I would have concieved cause there wasnt a way around my eggs the sperm could take.

August 10 two days before

August 12 day of

August 14 two days after

Can anyone please help me Im confused as to what we did wrong. ( I even missed my period ) ( sorry for the information )




  1. Even for completely healthy couples who hit all the correct days there is only a 20% chance each month that they will conceive. Just keep trying, it will happens when it's time. Good luck!

  2. some women do get negatives when they are pregnant. so go to your dr and tell her that you did what you she said to and that you missed your period and she should be able to test you with blood or urine test..

    hope you did it!

  3. Hmmmm.... I don't know why your doctor would promise you success.  Even when both the man and the woman are PERFECTLY fertile and everything's timed right there's only a 15-20% chance that you'll conceive during any given cycle.  

    You may want to get tests to make sure you're ovulating (you can do this with bloodwork and ultrasounds) and you may want to get your partner's sperm tested also.  This will give you a starting point.

    I'm so sorry that this is taking longer than you were expecting - it is a really hard thing to go through.  But just hang in there and keep on trying!


  4. I'm sorry to say but for some people it just takes a lot longer to get pregnant than others.  I would just keep trying

  5. It took my husband and I a year and a half to conceive.  Now, although I am not going to disagree completely with your doctor's method (since my degree is in psychology and not medicine); however, what finally worked for me was deciding that I have no idea when I ovulate (it could be late; it could be early).  So, the month that we conceived my husband and I had s*x the day after I stopped my period and every other day until my period was due.  When I was late, I took the pregnancy test and it was positive.  It turned out that I was ovulating much later than I thought.  Now, no one can guarantee that if you do this you will become pregnant immediately, but it worked for me, so maybe it will work for you.  Good luck--hope you see two lines soon!

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