
TTC # 1 For only about 2 Months, and a Little Confused...?

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Ok my husband and i have been TTC, granted it has only been about 2 months, and i know it can take a while. But The thing is, is that AF is almost 1 months late, and i am not sure why, i haven't really been stressed out about anything i haven't changed anything in my life at all. So i took a couple tests the last few weeks, and they are all neg. My CM/discharge has been as if i were ovulating for about 1 1/2 weeks really stringy and clear. But last friday it was not to sound gross but a really faint yellow looking more like snot. And starting Saturday morning continuing today it has been very white, and pasty like. I am not sure what is going on. I have been very crampy, tired, irritable and moody, gassy, sore, my nipple look bigger and are sore, but my actual breast are the same no change, also this is weird but i normally pee a lot! like 1 time every hour at least, and lately i have not been urinating as much, i maybe go 4 times a day, but i am still drinking just as much fluids as before. Does anyone have any advice on what may be going on with me?

I am on no meds, i am taking pre-natal pills though.

I have early pregnancy test that detect at 20.

I had s*x during my ovulation.

I am not a complete idiot, i do know what i am doing, i just am not too sure what is going on with me right now.

I will be going to the doctor but they can not get me into until sometime next week, i was just wanting some advice from some serious people!

Thanks ♥

*~*Baby*Dust*~* To all those TTC!

Congrats - To all those who have accomplished!




  1. Well i would think you are pregnant. Some times a test just can pick up the HcG in your Pee. Well if you dont want to wait till next week, i dont know where you live but in the united states i would say to go to a Care now or Urgent care you can get a blood test done Or if you have any pregnanct places around you you could prob just walk in. Best luck.

  2. just hold on a little i think a celebration cld be coming your way

    goodluck and lots of baby dust to you!!!

  3. I don't think you are pregnant. If you've been on birth control it may take a while for your cycles to become regular.

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