
TTC 10 months and I'm ovulating. Why hasn't it happened?!?

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I'm sorry, I'm just so down. AF came today. I just thought it would happen by now. We're in our 20s, we have a happy marriage, little stress, we eat right, I ovulate (I've been testing with opk) and yet, still, no baby.

We've been ttc for 10 mo but we just recently got serious about it with me testing with opk and doing my bbt charting whereas before we just had s*x. I know now that I do ovulate so what's happening? I've been charting on fertilityfriend too. Will I ever get pregnant? How long did it take you?




  1. The very best of luck for you. I'm having trouble with #2. Good to find out that you are ovulating though--it can rule out some reasons as to why you haven't been able to get prego yet. It is always so hard to get AF even though you may try so hard to not let it get you down. I would definitely see a doctor to rule out any other problems.  

  2. OMG I'm in a very similar situation. So yeah, I'm 38, but my FSH, estradiol and progesterone levels are like an 18-year old and still .... no baby. I ovulate like clockwork every 24 days, have great endometrium and still .... no baby. Great charts that look like textbook examples, and lots of EWCM 3 days each month and still .... no baby!

    It's a good job I've got long hair because it will take me a while to pull it all out :) LOL

    Actually, I'm 'taking a break' right now and I feel much better -- so that would be my suggestion. Maybe take a spa vacation weekend during ovulation time and have fun .... if you know what I mean  :) Best of luck xoxoxoxox

  3. I would try a bit longer and then ask your dr about it.  Maybe your husband has a low sperm count.  There is a lot more to it than jsut the woman ovulating.  It took me 5 months for the first and three months for the second.

  4. For real answers to these questions, go see a doctor.  No one here knows what is going on with you.  

  5. It took me 11 months the first time, but the second time it happened immediately.

    Try having one cycle when you have s*x every day.  It might just work.  Good luck.  

  6. i have been trying for 6 months and nothing. i know how frustrating it is. i would say see a dr. for exact answers. everyone is different. it could be something as little as timing. or could be something bigger. i have read that it can take up to a year to conceive. like most waiting a year is too long for me. i have decided to seek a dr.s advice after 6 months not a year. i would recommend the same. its better to know sooner than later if there may or may not be a problem with infertility. the sooner you find out the sooner you can do something about it. i hope this helps. Lots of Baby Dust.  

  7. hi my dear- im right there with ya. my dh and I are both in our 20's dont smoke, dont drink often and live a happy life. and eat right. we have been ttc#1 for 16months now.. We had a chemical pregnancy last month and lost baby at 4 1/2 weeks.. I dont know why it hasnt happened yet. Nobody on here can give you the answer except your doctor- your hubby could have low sperm count- you could have only one working tube- there are many factors behind it. It sucks- I KNOW! Been there and still doing that. My first month using the OPK I got pregnant and lost it though- so I waited my cycle like they said to "flush" anything out and we are trying again using the OPK and I am too ovulating and we are using preseed which is a lube that doesnt kill spermies.. So best of luck to you and call your doctor and get checked out if your worried my dear... My DH and I are waiting until the 2 year mark before we get medical help- because its expensive and we want to try on our own for our personal sake I guess. Good luck to you though!! BABY DUST!!!!

  8. i feel ya! i haven't been trying as long as you but i still get down when AF comes!

    it could be numerous things, it could be his sperm, it could be that your body kills his sperm, etc. maybe you should seek a doctor's help! but keep in mind every month you only have about a 25% chance of becoming pregnant. try to keep your head up though, it will happen for you :-)  

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