
TTC 15 Months. Check my BBT Chart. When do you think I Oed> Do you agree with

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Please check my chart located here:

Please let me know if you think I Oed when says I did or if it was on another day.

Please respond either here or on my homepage of my chart.





  1. cd16

  2. Going by your other charts and the multiple charts with a short luteal phase, I would have to agree with FertilityFriend.  If I were to guess about other days I would suggest CD14 because of the BBT dip and rise that went up and kept going up where the other BBT dips went back up but then lowered again.  It is hard to say...  It also shows you had a miscarriage in March.  By now your cycle should be rather regular or atleast as much as it was before the miscarriage.  This cycle seems to be nice and long with a longer luteal phase which indicates a high possibility, compared with your other charts, that you MAY have conceived but then there is that recent dip...

    If I were you I would wait just a few more days until you are atleast 14 days past ovulation and then take a test if you haven't started your period by then.

  3. Whoa. You have a very promising chart. It looks like ff is right and you had a nice possible implantation dip on 7dpo!

    Since your temps are still high, I'd strongly consider testing in the morning! Most luetal phases are 14 days max, so if you still have high temps and no AF tomorrow, POAS. :)

    Dust to ya

  4. Looking at your chart, it seems your pre-O temps are very high.  From everything I've learned, you draw your coverline by observing 3 days of temperatures at least .2 degree above the previous six.  You have the high temps, but not enough low I'd say.  Based on that, and assuming you keep a rise going on day 29, I would say you were more likely to O on day 25 or 26.

    FF seems to be basing its O day on your CM, and not necessarily your temps.

  5. maybe the 5th, i am really not sure, your temps are everywhere..

    however, it is good that your temps are still rising..

    maybe you are preggo this month

  6. Judging by both CM and temps, I would say I agree with FF.  However, going by temps alone, I might have thought CD21, but your CM doesn't match up with that.

    I say FF is right.  Your temps are continuing to rise, too, and that's a great sign.

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