
TTC 2 years and 9 months question

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I was on BC for 5 years. I at one point had the depo provera shot and then for about 3 years had ortho evra patch. Now I have not been able to conceive and my periods are just now starting to get somewhat regular after almost 3 years but I am having extreme pms symptoms. Could this be caused from the birth control i was taking ? I have not been to the doctor. But plan on going soon, was just seeing if anyone had personal experience.

Also when I quit taking the BC I just up and stopped taking it one day. I never asked the doctor the right way to stop taking it.




  1. I've been told that when you are on BC for a long period of time, it can take the same amount of time to get out of your system.  So if you were on it for 3 yrs, it CAN (but doesn't necessarily mean it WILL) take up to 3yrs for it to completely get out of your system so you are normal and ready to conceive.  I don't know how true it is, I was never able to be on birth control but that's what I've heard.  They have ovulation predictor kits you can buy at the store and it will tell you when you're ovulating so since your periods are still kind of irregular that might be something you wanna try so that you have a better idea of when you're ovulating and when to have intercourse.  Best of luck

  2. Our stories are similar....TTC#1 for 18 months so far.  I was on BCP for 17 years with a breif period in the middle (9 months) on depo shots.  When I came off the pill I was having irratic periods every 45-60 days for 4 months.  Then my annual checkup came and I spoke with my doctor about it.  He put me on progesterone to induce a period and then started me on 50mg Clomid, which I did for 6 months and sucessfully ovulated each month.  I stopped taking the Clomid because it gave me some depression symptoms, which I have never had before or since.  But it was worth it because now I've had 7 normal cycles with ovulation.  Not pregnant yet but hopeful because at least my body is more predictable now =)  

    I asked doctors (both my primary doc and the RE) the Q you asked, did BCP cause this?  And they didn't know, it could have but it could also just be the way your body works.  My advice would be to go to your doctor and ask about Clomid, it would be worth a try!

    Good luck!

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