
TTC....8 dpo cramps..............???

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Did U have them? For how long?How do they feel? Did U ended up getting BFP later on? I almost feel like my period is about to start, also have lower back pain...




  1. I had them with BOTH pregnancies. They were a little later than 8dpo though. They were closer to when I was due for AF, and they felt just like AF cramps. I kept thinking I was going to start, then wouldn't. Then about a week or so later - BFP... Good Luck to you! =)

  2. i was ttc for 3 years and in my successful cycle, i had really tender b*****s at 3 dpo, was exhausted from about 4 dpo on, had lower back pain, and had cramps so bad that i was sure my period was coming. i even went out and bought a jumbo supply of Always. I was so depressed that af was on her way, and about 11 dpo tested just to get my negative out of the way and it was POSITIVE!!

    Good luck, and don't give up!!!

  3. 8 dpo, cramping could possibly be implantation you are feeling, but that's certainly not a guarantee...

    I would give it a few more days, like another 4-5 and try testing... But make sure to use a really sensitive test.

  4. I am in the same position, I am having mild cramps and my b***s are tender.. hope I will get a positive this time around.. baby dust to you

  5. I am in the same boat as you are. I am on CD 24 in a 28 day cycle and started cramping yesterday afternoon. It was pretty unbearable last night.

    I remember something similar to this with my last pregnancy so I am hoping also!

    I wish you the best of luck and lots of baby dust!

  6. I'm in the same place as you I'm on CD 26 out of a 28 day cycle and I have had some mild cramping but none of t he other things that usually come along with the PMS. No sore b***s, etc. I hope this is our month! *~*~Baby Dust~*~*

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