
TTC- Could I be pregnant?

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I had my period on July 20th (31 cycle) and I'm due for my next period on Wednesday, August 20th. But today I spotted this afternoon, which I thought it was a start of my period and now it stopped. Should I take a pregnancy test or wait until the 20th?




  1. It will be more accurate if you take it on the 20th or soon after, but if you're really freaking out about it you should go get a pregnancy test that says it can detect it early. If it's negative and you still don't start your period in a couple of days, take another one.

  2. Umm doesnt seem like it would really matter...either way you could wait...and if it doesnt come then take it or you could take it b4 idk since the 20th is in like 2 days idk i dont think it really matters

  3. maybe you should wait at least until its a week late becuase then you will definetly know somethings not right. but i perfer to you to go to the doctor and get a blood test because they are DEFINETLY MORE ACCURATE than a PREGANCY TEST!!! okay. good luck

  4. Do I look like a walking pregnancy test?

  5. You probably aren't pregnant.

    So just wait until the 20th

  6. either one doesn't really make a difference but if u wait u can save money

  7. Most pregnancy tests will work very soon after conceiving. I say take one now...and again in a few days.  

  8. if you have regular cycles, it's ok to test now for an accurate test and hope you get a positive :) you can also ask a doctor online for free for an opinion, try

    good luck!

  9. I would go and take one just because it will help you to stop thinking about it for the next few days.  If it is positive thats awesome but if its negative just don't get too upset because it still may change if you don't get your period. baby dust to you :)

  10. i think you should wait a little an see if you get it but if you dount then defenitly take the test  

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