
TTC- Help me figure out my cycle! When do I start counting??

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I know this topic can be in the "TMI" Category, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to "chart" my cycle. I start noticing slight tinting on the toilet paper that gets gradually darker as the week goes on and eventually turns into heavy "flow" for about 2 days then tapers back of to the "brown" staining on the toilet paper only.. Here's how it went this week. Monday(cd25)- noticed slight tint on tp(only on tp after tinkle-ing, no pad needed). Tuesday- nothing. Wednesday- Slight tint again . Thurday(cd28)- more of a red color than brown, but still only showing on tp, no pad even needed. Friday-Brown again (no pad). Saturday- Used a tampon just cuz I went swimming but it didnt have much on it at the end of the day.. BUT that night woke up with FULL FORCE FLOW (curses!).Sunday (today) still goin strong. Again- all of this is TMI, but I'm getting really ticked off tryin to figure out what day is "day 1"so I can figure out if I have a 25 day cycle or 28? TTC obviously. This seems to be the "Ultimate" question as I have found SO many CONFLICTING OPINIONS on this. My ob says day 1 is the spotting, but others say their ob says day 1 is the first day of actual flow.




  1. Cycle day 1 is the first day of full red flow. Spotting does NOT count.

  2. I usually get two days of light spotting so I don't count these on my chart.  The first true day is when I start heavy bleeding and have to use a tampon.  Your period is roughly 5 days long give or take a day or two.  Count how long you have bleeding and see if it fits within a five day time frame.  Base your charting on that info and see how it goes.  You might have to experiment for a couple of months to determine when you should start charting.

  3. my friend has the same thing and her doctor said its full flow not spotting as day 1

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