
TTC- Sticky brown CM 8DPO

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We're ttc, noticed a bit of sticky brown CM today, about 8 DPO. Not due for my period until August 10! If this is just AF spotting, then my luteal phase is definitely under 10 days... is that a bad sign?




  1. When I got pregnant (both times) I had brown tinted CM at 9 DPO and got a BFP. If you get a First Response kit it might tell you on Wednesday! Good luck! If the implantation bleeding is small then it won't come out for a few days. That's why it looks brown instead of pink.  

  2. that could possibly be implantation bleeding. you can test in 5 days to see. but most likley it is congrats!

  3. The typical luteal phase is 14 days..  Shorter than that could mean your lining in your uterus isnt a thick as it needs to be.  Drs can help get that worked out.  I'm not really sure if a 10 day luteal phase is sufficient enough to hold onto a pgcy or not.

    Best of luck!

  4. Don't let the previous answer worry you.  It sounds like you could possibly be experiencing implantation bleeding.  Once implanted you will continue with a sticky cm much like the cm you get right before the ewcm.  Normally after ovulation your cm returns to dryness.  If you are still with the sticky somewhat lotion like cm in the next couple of may be expecting a little bambino.  Good luck

  5. I've gotta agree. It definitely sounds like Implantation bleeding. Too soon for AF spotting.

    My AF is due around the same day : )

  6. Sounds to me like implantation spotting.  Implantation usually occurs anywhere from 7-10 DPO.  Some women will have it sooner, some later.  GL!

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