
TTC and 14 weeks late and 3- HPT's and one blood test?

by Guest44598  |  earlier

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Ok I'm 14 weeks late 3 months and one week, I have taken 3 HPT's and all negative, I have also taken one blood test that they never told me what was the result, so doc has put me on Metformin to help AF but problem is that I have never been this late before I've been pregnant before as well but had an m/c due to my hypothyroidism that is being treated, I have had U/S in the past not lately tough since being late all my past U/S were in the clear for Endo and PCOS so I dunno what is going on, I have tons of pregnancy symptoms and have been having them for a long time now, the date I was supposed to get AF I had a yeast infection (common in early pregnancy) I have had to pee more frequently and have had nausea as well tough the met is not helping that! lol, my last AF was on 4/26/08 and she si still MIA? and I was just wondering should I look like a total crazy person and demand my doc do an U/S to see why I'm late and having pain? or should I just go to the ER and get some answers tough I will still look crazy to them as well but I want my period back or some answers as to why I'm late, my husband is so worried and so am I as well. any advice as long as ur serious and nice about it is very welcome please experiences would be appreciated as well. THANKS!




  1. if i were you, i would call my dr and DEMAND your blood test results... or go and take another pregnancy test at the dr.... what y ou should def do though is go see your gyno, it wont make you like a crazy woman, you will look like a normal person who has never been late and is wondering why her AF is mia!! if you arent pregnant, the dr will try to figure out why she is mia! go see your dr!!!

  2. I'd ask your doc for your blood test results.  

  3. You should've been given the results of the blood test.  I don't understand why you weren't.  I'd let them know that I want to know the results.  If the doctor can't explain and help you through this, who can?  That's what the doctor is for, right?  It is quite strange, the situation and circumstances, in my opinion.  I'd definatley have a heart to heart with the doc and let 'em know where you stand.  You should get some resolution to this.

  4. Honestly, i don't think u are pregnant then. there is so many, many reasons your period could be late. If the blood test was positive they would have notified you. I know how u feel, and people believe what they want to believe. If u want to believe your pregnant you will convince your body that these are all pregnancy symptoms. Just last month i was 2 weeks late, and i'm VERY regular. my temperatures even stayed elevated for 18 days, which definetely means u are pregnant right? i even had a positive EPT! so i went to the ER and had a blood test, just to see how far along i was, and to my surprise it was NEGATIVE!! my hcg was 0.06!! not even Fking close to positive!! i cried and demanded a re-test, insisting they were wrong or must have mixed up my blood w/ someone else because they were very busy that night.  

    i showed them my test, so they did re-draw and let me watch it get sent out w/ my name on it. same thing... Negative. i was so hurt, and in denial still, until a nice nurse came and talked to me.  what happened was i read my EPT after 10 minutes, so it was a false positive, called an "evaporation line" that occurs if u read EPT's after 10 minutes. i even read about this on the internet ( i will never by an EPT ever again!!) a few days later i got my period, and then my temperatures did drop. why was i late? who knows. I too convinced my self the doctors were wrong and i was pregnant. when we want something so bad, we become desperate. I KNOW how u feel, your pain, and your frustrations girl, believe me, and my heart and prayers go out to you, i know how much you want that BFP result. keep trying, i hope u get some answers to this annoying situation.

    god bless,


    ***baby dust***

  5. I would call the doctor and make an appointment. At your appointment I would demand the results from the blood test. Tell him/her all your symptoms and ask to be retested of for and U/S. If they aren't willing to do what you want - leave and go to another doctor.

    It is your body and your money! If you want to take a pregnancy test every other day and are willing to pay for it then they need to be compliant. If they aren't willing to be then I would suggest finding another doctor.

    There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with getting a second, third or fourth opinion. It is your body and health and you need to be in control of it. There are so many diseases and syndroms that not all doctors no about them. Sometimes when you have been with one doctor for a long time they aren't willing to change a diagnosis. Sometimes you just need a fresh person to look at things and most of that time it works!

    Now if you go to three different doctors and they all say the same thing then that is probably the case!

    Good Luck and I hope this helped!

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