Hello all. After TTC for 2 years, hubby and i were finally getting assistance from the doctor. He prescribed Provera tablets to induce a period. Which i took from Monday the 28th of July until Sunday the 3rd of August. I took a Hpt on the Monday to check if i was pregnant, and another on Wed the 30th, and both were negative.
It's been 12 days since my last provera tablet, and i still don't have my period, so I took a pregnancy test this morning. The positive line came up immediately, and there's no question that it's there.
My question is, can the provera tablet cause a false positive? I have looked up lots of stuff, and it all points to no, but as you other TTCers can imagine, it's hard to just sit on my hands and wait til i can call the doctor on Monday. I need to know people!!!
Please help! Tell me everything you know about Hpt, BFP and provera tablets! (Not Depoprovera, this is not a contraceptive version of the drug that i'm talking about).
I have been having sore b***s a bit lately, but after TTC for 2yrs, i just ignored it. "Don't be a silly cow, you're not pregnant!"
Eeeep! Fingers crossed, and help!
Thank you all :D