
TTC and can't wait, please answer!!

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I am expecting my next period on August 12th, My husband and I had intercourse on my ovulation days and about 6 or 7 days later I had a couple of drops of blood in my panties (that was on August 3rd and 4th) just two drops each day and nothing since. Is that considered implantation bleeding? Today I got up really nauseated and am feeling really queasy, how soon can I test? I know your suppose to wait until you miss your period but it is so hard to wait.




  1. First I would like to clear up some confusion that the HPT people have caused by the way they word "5 days sooner" on their boxes. If you read carefully on the instructions 5 days sooner means you can text 4 days before you miss your period which woud be 5 days before you would know if you tested on the day you expect your period. If you are still confused look at it on a calendar. That is not the important thing here though. If you test today not only would you be testing 6 days before your period is due but you would also be testing not using FMU which is the best to detect pregnancy.  I am ttc as well and I know how hard the wait is, but it is better to wait as long as you can so you know you can trust the result.  If you test now and get a negative result you will be soo disappointed and sad when all that may not be necessary because you may actually be pregnant and just getting false negatives. I personally after doing this for several months prefer the feeling of excitement that I might actually be pregnant to that of a disappointing BFN. I know it would be much more exciting to test and actually see a BFP but if it is going to be a BFP then it will be when you finally do decide to test. Baby Dust and good luck whenever you do decide to test!

  2. it could have been implantation bleeding..i know its hard but try to wait a while longer a couple of days at least the test will get more accurate the longer you wait good luck!!!!!!

  3. It's a bit early to test now if you're due on the 12th.  You should really try to wait till the 12th and take one with your first morning urine.

    Sounds like implantation spotting to me!

    GOOD LUCK! x*x

  4. I know its so hard to wait when you are so anxious to know whether or not you are pregnant. I get that way too and my husband always has to bring me back to reality saying "what is knowing one day/one week sooner really going to do for you?" I try to talk him around it but I know he's right and if my period is coming anyway why would I want a test to tell me I'm not pregnant. You should try to wait until August 13th and if your period came then you didn't waste your anxiety and money. But you'll probably test before that despite our advice, I hope its positive!!!

  5. Get the dollar store tests and you can test as much as you like. They are only a $1 and very sensitive.

  6. it very well could be implantation bleeding in which i hope congratulations are in order there are a few early detection pregnancy test on the market that say you can test up to five days prior to a missed period i you can look for one of those but i would save one to try again after you scheduled period just to be on the safe side good luck :)

    here is a link to some early detection tests...

  7. Certain hpt can detect the preg hormone up to 5 days prior to your missed period. baby dust!

  8. Yes it could be classified as implantation bleeding...well...u can take some tests 5 days be4 your missed period so i'd go ahead and grab a couple hpt's today && take one 2night & then one in the a.m...when u 1st pee....I know the excitement so thats why I am telling you 2 go ahead & take one lol =) good luck & if they r BFN's make sure u have an xtra test 2 take day be4 period starts =)  

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