tell me if any of this makes sense...
here's a quick background:
-30 day cycle
-last pd on 6/19
-ovulated 07/14 (cd 16) -- which is normal
-started mild "o" type cramping on cd20, 3dpo
-cd25 8dpo, mild nausea starts and continues
-cd28 11dpo, tender bbs, gassiness starts and continues
-cd28 also, o type cramping gets a heavier
-cd 32 af scheduled to arrive 7/19
after period never showed:
-nausea got heavier cd 34, ept certainty digital (-) with fmu
-everyday after cd 35, i felt wet, as if af was suddenly arriving, but nothing, bloating, continued with mild cramping and sore bbs.
-cd 36, clear blue easy digital (-) taken at 10pm
-everything continues
-cd39/40 very emotional, frustrated
-cd40 equate +/- .. (-) with fmu
here i am, on cd 41 24dpo. my doctor will not see me for 2 weeks, then she will do bloodwork. planned parenthood will not see me because if i am "pregnant, and the hpts were -, their urine tests wouldn't work either."
any ideas of what i can do?