
TTC and getting more stressed out. Why hasn't it happened yet?

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My dh and I have been trying for over a year. My first round of clomid 50mg was last month. My progesterone level was 1.2 and the doc said I possibly didn't ovulate. I took a test on cd31 and it was negative. I took one on cd35 and it said pregnant.(clear blue digital) Took a blood test and it was negative also. I am very upset because I got really excited after seeing the postive and then the BIG LETDOWN.

I am scared that it is never going to happen. I want to give my dh the kids he wants and I don't think that I can. Is anyone else feeling this way? How do you deal with it?




  1. I just found out today that I have PCOS. Since my periods are so far apart I always get my hopes up that I am finally pregnant and that's why I'm not getting AF.  My husband will come home, find me crying and realize we're not any closer to where we want to be.  We're going to get a seamen analysis to make sure that its not just me that's delaying this process than I'll start on clomid.  I'm really afraid that we will not be able to have children but I think of all my friends who are having similar problems with TTC and who have been trying even longer than my husband and I.  Knowing we are not alone in this helps me get through it some but its still frustrating and depressing.  Good luck and hopefully your second round works.

  2. I know exactly how you feel. My husband and I just recently decided to try and have kids and I was hoping that it would just happen the first try. When my period was almost 2 weeks late I was so excited and I really thought that I was pregnant. But then I got my period and I was heart broken. I think that in these types of situations we just have keep trying and have faith that it will happen. My friend told me to not think about it but its hard because it is ALL I think about!!! And I have a family member who is PG and she doesn't even care. She smokes while she is PG and it just is so fruasterating to see  bc I want a baby so bad! So anyways I know how u feel. I wish you the best of luck and lots of baby dust!!!!!!!!!:::::*****::::::::

  3. it isn't happening because you are trying too hard. I bet you the month you quit stressing about it and just enjoy s*x, You will be pregnant then.

  4. I just went through my first round of clomid so i know what you are feeling. It can take more than one cycle for it to work and the doctor may have to up your dosage. Google super ovulation and maybe you should talk to your doctor about that because i had a friend use that method and it worked for her. Try not to get too stressed (i know easier said than done) but sometimes stress can make it harder to concieve.


  5. because your stressed.  do an ovulation test kit... my friend had been trying for 6 months on when she thought she was ovulating, and based on the charts and whatever, but then got a test kit and bam, she is prego!

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