
TTC and i keep having this dream... what do you think about the dreams and the babies names. thank you?

by Guest64479  |  earlier

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i had this dream twice last night i also had it once again this morning and then when i laid back down i had it 2 more times. and every time it was exactly the same.

i got pregnant with 5

3 boys and 2 girls.

and i carried to 7 1/2 months

We had them in this order

Tristan Wesley

Jimmy Lee

Lilleyannah Nicole

Elizabeth Rose

Bryson Connor

I'm on 100mg of clomid and 100mg of progesterone which i heard is really high to start of on.

i would be so happy if i had 5 but I'm just curious what ppl think about this.

and of course what do you think of the names?

Thank You




  1. I normally would say listen to your dreams. But with all the hormones you are taking, I think that and the talk and research about getting pregnant (the possibility of 5 and what would you do if you have 5) may have more of an effect on your dreams than any reading of the future. But you never know, if you like the names and it does come true it will be a neat story to share. Just don't get yourself too excited or worked up thinking its a sign. As you know each month is very difficult wondering if you are pregnant and you don't want to get too many expectations up.

    Best of luck!  

  2. I like them all but Elizabeth Rose, it's too plain. I like Lilleyannah, but I really dislike the spelling you chose, Lilianna looks better. I don't really like Jimmy Lee, either. I do like Tristan, Bryson, and Lilleyannah though.

    I'm just trying to figure out how you remember all those names from a dream..

  3. i like them all except lilleyanna which is just too pretentious and too long,sorry.

    Lily is pretty but is as common as dirt!

    Lillian Nicole

    Lillith Nicole

    or even Lydia Nicole is really pretty too and not as common???

    not a fan of Bryson but at least its not Jayden or Cayden or Braden!!!

    good luck to you,babies are great!

  4. This is very interesting...I have dreams like that sometimes (where I dream about things that I could make happen in the future or whatever, like precognition.)

    Anyways, I think those names are great! ☺ Like an answer before, 'Wow' at Lilleyannah. I'd much sooner spell Lilleyannah like 'Lilianna.' Lilianna Nicole is adorable.

    I hope I helped you ... The other names are great too ☺

  5. I think its important to pay attention to dreams. I've had several dreams come I would dream it and then a few days or weeks or months later it would come true. And a lot of my dreams havent come true. I with dreams its either a premonition, a fear, or something you REALLY want.

    Now with the names..

    I like Wesley Tristan more than Tristan Wesley

    I don't like Jimmy Lee at all.

    Lilleyannah Nicole is pretty but thats a lot of letters for a first name lol

    Elizabeth Rose is classic.

    And i like Bryson Connor

  6. Whoa at Lilleyannah.

    That is a mouthful, plus a pain in the butt to spell.

    It sounds pretty, but it waaaaay too long.

    The other ones are cute.  

  7. That's weird! Maybe you and your husband/boyfriend and yourself are going to have 5 children one day! All the names are nice enough, but Lilleyannah is a little much...

  8. Lilleyanna looks like an uneducated 5 year old tried to spell the name Lilliana. Why mess with the original? It's beautiful. Lilleyanna is a terrible, terrible spelling! I'm seriously not trying to be rude, but it's really not all that great. Lilliana is beautiful though.

    Good luck!

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