
TTC and....?

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My partner and I are ttc, but right now I don't feel like eating anything but fruits.(We think I allready may be pregnant) Is that okay since I'm ttc? I'm taking prenatal vitamins if that helps any.




  1. As long as you're taking vitamins, you should be fine.  My guess is that you might already be pregnant if you are only craving one type of food item.  Go test already!!!

  2. With both of my pregnancies I could only eat fruit in the first trimester.  I couldn't even keep my prenatals down.  I tried to eat whole wheat bread, nuts and seeds when I could (Help prevent diarrhea and give me more lasting energy).  Both of my kids turned out fine and are healthy!  Babies don't really eat much early on!  Good Luck!

  3. For the very short term, I really don't think this would be harmful.   However, if it goes on for over a few days I really don't think this would be healthy for you or your baby.

    I would try to put at least some iron (meat, wholewheat bread, leafy dark greens, dried fruit, eggs) , protein (meat, eggs, lentils, milk, cheese) and calcium (milk, yogurt, fortified orange juice) into your diet.   If you really can't stand that, at least try and get some vegetables (especially the dark leafy green ones such as broccoli & spinach) into your diet.    Think of it like medicine.   You may not like it, but it will give you long term benefits.

    Maybe you could look into some vegetarian menus for more ideas.      

    Vitamins, while good, are really only there to supplement your diet - not to be the base.

    Please take care and good luck with TTC.
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