
TTC but feels like AF's coming - cramps :(

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My LMP was July 13th. I used First Response Early Result HPT and got a BFN today (8/11).

I thought I might be pregnant b/c I've been so tired, queasy, and sore BBs just like my last pregnancy (which sadly miscarried) but now it feels like AF is coming on.

Anyone here ever felt period like cramps and then get a BFP?




  1. It could be too early to get a + ....but don't get your hopes up. I've been pregnant once before, but had an early miscarriage, so I don't know fom experience...but I've been on here enough to know plenty of women experience AF-like cramps and think their period was coming, and they wound up pregnant! good luck!

  2. Yes, I had period cramps for a whole week and got a BFP. I also had period cramps for a whole week and then started my period too. Hopefully, for your sake, it's the BFP one! Good luck to you.  

  3. I did for a few weeks and even went to the doctor about the cramps I was having. I didn't find out until a few weeks later that I was actually pregnant. When I consulted my doctor about the cramps, she advised that it may have been caused from cysts...Good luck with everything;-)

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