
TTC can be so frustrating i'm gong on month 5 and still no baby?

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Hi My name is Stephani. My fiance and i have been trying to get pregnant for about 5 months now and still nothing. I don't know what to do . Are we doing something wrong? No matter how long i lay with my butt in the air it still leaks out. Any suggestions on how to keep the s***n inside of me? UGH! TTC is so frustrating. I'm to the point i just want to give up. Ever since the miscarriage last year things have been so much harder. Why is it u can get pregnant when you miss one BC pill but when your off completely nothing happens? Or could it be that YAZ is just that strong? I used Ortho before. Any suggestions? I really would like your feed back . Thank you...




  1. dude u gotta b more patient than this my fiance and i have been ttc for 18 months now and still is frustrating and upsetting at times but u juss gotta hang in there....n hope 4 the best!  

  2. I'm sorry for your loss. I understand how frustrating it is, and how disappointing TTC can be. It's a tough journey. People say 5 months isn't long, and it really isn't when TTC, but it still feels like an eternity, and it still hurts. I'm starting cycle #7, and last month when I got my period, I was really down, and the whole TTC thing just ticked me off. It tough, but it will definitely pay off in the long run. So, just keep your head up, and keep on trying.

    The s***n is going to leak out no matter what. It just does, and it won't affect conceiving. It happens to all of us. The ejaculate, yes, is going to leak back out, but the sperm are still already swimming to their destination, so no need to worry about that :)

    I wish I knew how some women get pregnant while on the pill, and here the rest of us sit, not taking anything, trying to get pregnant, and can't. I know, it doesn't seem to make any sense! I do know that sometimes it can take some time to get pregnant after coming off the pill. Sometimes you need to allow your body some time for it to flush the pill out of your system.

    Keep having s*x while in your fertile window, and during ovulation. There's only a 25% chance of conceiving every month. Always remember it can take an average healthy couple 6-12 months to conceive, and that's considered normal. If after a year of trying, you have no results, then speak to your Dr. Even then, nothing may be wrong, it just takes time. Here's all the luck and baby dust in the world for you! You hang in there, and never give up. Miracles happen everyday:)

  3. Seriously?  You're about to give up after five months?

    Do a little research and you'll find that it can take up to a year and a half or even longer for perfectly healthy couples to conceive.  

  4. honey, you've only been ttc for 5months.  i've been ttc for over a year now and still no success.

    try not to focus on making a baby when you and your fiance are doing the BD.  stress makes it harder.

    why don't u see your gyn to ask what exactly you should take?

    when he comes inside of you, make sure your legs are elevated for about 15mins and don't pee!

    good luck and baby dust!

  5. I suggesst you stop thinking about making a baby and just have good s*x every 2 to 3 days. Enjoy each other and if you must put a pillow under your but then do so after but really it's gonna come out anyway. Try doggy style as it has the deepest penetration and deposits the s***n close to the cervix.

    Good Luck. I know its hard to not think about a baby but honestly this really works!! No pressure.

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