
TTC for 7 months && HELP!!?

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Last year my fiancee and I decided that we wanted to start a family & I was on the pill. So I just stopped the pill and got pregnant immediately, but had a miscarriage 7 weeks later. Since then we've been trying, but I cant seem to get pregnant, no matter what! Should I try getting back on the pill for a while and then stop all of a sudden?




  1. I would go see a fertility specialist. It's possible that it's not even your fault. Your fiancee could have a low sperm count or something else that's preventing you all from becoming pregnant. Just cuz you had a miscarriage doesn't necessarily mean it's you. The stress you're creating for yourself also doesn't help so talk to a professional who can provide better options and tests to know for sure what's taking so long. I wish you well. It'll happen for you one day one way or another :)

  2. Are you doing ovulation kits?? If you are and nothing is showing up, I would go see a doctor?? Same thing happened to me and then I just COULDNT get preggo. But then ta-da I got pregnant with help from my doctor.

    Honestly...there could be so many factors, so a doctor visit should help!

    I would not go back on the pill though.

    Good luck and dont give up!

  3. I think right now the best thing for you to do is go to the doctors.  Or try for at least two more months.  I was depo for 4 years then when on the patch and then got the Iud and got pregnant.  Alot of people told me that after getting of the depo it takes atleast 6 months to a year to get pregnant.  It was not like that for me.  Every women's body is different.  Also you might want to try to take your tempatures.

  4. No, that won't help. Just keep trying. There are some vitamins that help with fertility for you and for him, if you think it's a problem. Zinc helps keep up mobility in the sperm and folic acid can help you release eggs, along with a lot more different ones that you could research online easy. Good luck.  

  5. i'm not a doctor but heres my advice you should'nt do that pill thing it may have to do with ur miscarriage u should keep trying and if no success go to a fertility clinic

  6. I wouldn't go back on the pill--- it will just confuse your body when you go back off.  It can sometimes take several cycles for your body to go back to normal after using the pill.  I'm sorry to hear about your miscarriage but it's really actually more common if you get pregnant immediately after using the pill.  Have you taken your charts to a specialist?  You might want to look into getting the book  Taking Charge of Your Fertility.  It's on amazon.  I learned that I had a short luteal phase and the book helped me to correct immediately and then I had no trouble getting pregnant.  OPK's also worked for me, but you have to have a general idea of when you are going to ovulate for them to work. And, when you take your temp make sure you are taking it at the same time every morning before you get out of bed of your readings will be inconsistent.  Good luck.

  7. honestly I'd go and see a doctor, he'll give you some advice

  8. no dont start the pill again just keep trying! good luck!

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