
TTC . many tests down many more to

by  |  earlier

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Ok well here it goes we are going on 21 months ttc , I have a 6 yr old son . My husband has been tested 55million strong and flowing , I am overweight(however blood test show I am ovulating and that my weight isn't an issue so dont assume it is DR. said its not) , my Hsg xray was NORMAL , my post coital test was NORMAL , my Endrometrial biopsy(OWE OMG OWE) was NORMAL. now i am due for an apt on Sep 4 to set up laparscopy (at least I'm knocked out for it) , I am reaching frustration and it is a pain . My question is two things : ONE during the hsg and biopsy I experienced a very very very excruciating pain in my lower right tummy region (i'm having the laparacopy(dr) already know) but i'm asking if anyone else had a personal or related experience and what did it turn out to be ? and After this long what could be the issue ?

again i am seeking medical advice already so do not tell me to go to the dr(i have a great dr he doesn't want me to get down so he trys to keep me positive) .I'm asking for personal experiences here




  1. Hopefully the laproscopy will indicate what caused the pain . . . maybe it was a cyst or some scar tissue.

    As to what could be wrong . . . if the tests continue to come back normal, you could be in the same boat that DH and I was in . . . "unexplained infertility".  Even if it turns out to be unexplained, the doctor should be able to come up with some treatment options that could help you to conceive.

    Good luck, keep trying and baby dust!

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