
TTC- what should my next steps be?

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My partner and I have decided to start trying for a baby around christmas. I'm currently on the pill but read on here that it can take months for you to even have a "proper" period after coming off pill- so should I come off it now? Also, should I start taking floic acid now? I know it's helpful to take it early but will it actually be beneficial to take it this early?

Also, I don't appriciate any negative comments about this part as it's a decision I've already made- I'm vegetarian but am anemic at the best of times so I have decided to eat some red meat and fish during pregnancy. Anyone else done this? My partner wants we to start eating it all now to get my body in the best possible shape but I'm nervous. Anyone else gone back on meat for their baby?

Thanks in advance




  1. I think that's a great idea :] Coming off the pill now might be helpful for you, purely as it can take a while for your periods to be back on track. However - be prepared to have a suprise arrival if you do this! Some women conceive in their first month of quitting the pill - it's really all down to the individuals and how quickly your hormones level back out again.

    As for your lifestyle and diet, it's great to start your pre-natal vitamin now. This will stand you in good stead for conceiving with the optimum levels of nutrients waiting for baby. Increased protein needs in pregnancy are usually met simply by the extra calories from more foods. Protein can be found in milk, cheese, eggs, soya milk, tofu, cereals, nuts and pulses. A normal variety of these foods will provide adequate protein. Intake of dairy products and eggs should not increase dramatically. Some people believe that excessive amounts may sensitise the baby in the womb to allergies towards these foods.

    You do NOT have to eat meat and fish if you don't want to - there are other ways if you wish. The need for iron is increased during pregnancy, especially during the later stages. Anaemia, due to iron deficiency, is common in pregnancy too  - whether you are vegetarian or not. Vegetarians should be especially careful to include plenty of iron in their diet as vegetable sources are not as well absorbed.

    Good vegetarian sources of iron can be found in wholegrain cereals, pulses, green vegetables and dried fruits. Iron absorption is increased if taken with a good source of vitamin C, which can be found in fresh fruit and vegetables. Tea contains tannin which can inhibit iron absorption and should not be taken an hour before or after a meal.

    Many doctors routinely prescribe iron tablets for pregnant women. Iron tablets may not be needed unless a blood test demonstrates anaemia. Iron levels normally decrease during pregnancy as the blood becomes more dilute. Some women prefer to take a natural iron supplement, such as Floridix, which is available from health food stores.

    Good luck!!

  2. I'm not sure about the diet part. but i can tell you i was on the pill for years. and my period was just as regular when i came off of them as it was when i was on them. the only thing i noticed was after my 1st period off of them there was a little bit of lingering spotting a couple days before i started and then everything was normal. but keep in mind. every body is different.  

  3. at the end of your pill simply don,t take it anymore and start taking folic acid, as for your anaemia you can see your gp and get some iron tablets, but eating a varied diet is essential, do your research and supplement your diet as necessary if you really don,t want to eat meat or fish, there are plenty of options for you, and good luck.

  4. I would get off the next time you get your period, I know i have been off since may and Im still not Pregnant.  Also I only eat chicken and turkey, but i do eat tofu as well.  

  5. many people dont understand the need to prepare your body months in is as impotant as being pregnant and looking after yourself.coming off the pill now will get your hormones back to normal in time for ttc.use condoms should if you can have a varied diet of organic meat,veg,fruit,fish and dairy products.

    pre-natal supplements should be started well in advance.

    look at my profile for more info  

  6. If you decide to come off the pill now, be careful.  My mother got pregnant with me 3 WEEKS after she came off the pill!  And it would be a good idea to go to your dr. and get put on some prenatal vitamins. Good luck!

  7. I think you should perhaps come off the pill at the end of your current pack and use condoms if you dont want to get pregnant before xmas. When i came off the pill it took two months for my cycle to become regualar and then two months later i got a bfp!

    As for the meat thing. It didnt happen to me personally but my sister. She was in the same boat as you.  She said she was going to stay vegetarian while pregnant but when she did fall pregnant she had craving for red me, i.e. beef steak etc.  She asked her doc about it and the doc said that you should give into your cravings while pregnant as your body is lacking in whatever vitamin or mineral is in the food you are craving. I think your right. You're giving your future baby the best of nutrition eating a healthy diet eusuring they will have everything they need to grow in your body. Best of luck ttc and i hope you get your bfp soon after Christmas.

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