I've been BBT charting for two months. Doc put me on Clomid after the first month. Today is the 19th day of my cycle, and no sign of any change on my chart at all! I have two spikes in my temp thus far, both on weekends, which I attribute to waking up later in the day. After the weekend, my temp drops again. But now I am getting funky cramping, a little on the left hand side. So I thought I may be ovulating. But I checked my CM and it's white (not clear) and like - REALLY really stretchy - it doesn't break apart easily. But like I said...it's not really eggwhite. Still, I have strange cramping, mostly to the left. Am I just friggin CRAZY? What's going on? I can't be pregnant if I didn't ovulate yet! And I can't ovulate because I don't have the right CM. WTF?