
TV Licence?

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Why do we have to pay a TV licence when we pay subscriptions to all the satellite and cable companies for the same channels and viewing?




  1. that is a good question

    if you just watch your sky/ virgin media bbc1 an bbc2 maybe you dont need to buy one

    this year all tv is going digital so it probably wont matter then

  2. If, and that is a big if, there was ever any justification for the license fee, it ended way back in 1955 when independent television started.  

    The license fee represents nothing more than forced funding of the BBC by government legislation which has been outdated for over 50 years.   The law demands that you have a license to receive ANY television broadcast, yet only the BBC ever receives any of the money collected.  Other broadcasters do not receive a penny.

    By the way, despite the fact that some of the material from TV Licensing tends to suggest otherwise, you are NOT required to have a license merely to be in possession of a TV set.  

    The license is to install & use equipment which is capable of receiving a TV broadcast.  That means that if you have a TV, VCR, DVD recorder, or other device connected in any way that it can receive a TV broadcast then you are obliged to have a license, whether the reception is terrestrial, satellite, cable, or even a live stream over the internet.

    You do NOT require a license to own a TV set, to use a set simply to watch prerecorded tapes or DVDs, or to watch archived material over the internet.

    You should also be aware of your rights regarding TV license inspectors, who will frequently try to suggest that they have more official powers than they actually do.  

    Unless they have a search warrant, you are under no obligation to let them into your house, nor should you do so, whether you have anything to hide or not.  You are under no obligation to undergo one of their "interviews under caution," as they put it.  In fact you are under no obligation to talk to them at all, or to reply to the threatening letters they send out if  there is no license at your address.

  3. we pay so the government can have holidays.

  4. the TV licence is a TV tax that supports the BBC free service and you have to pay it if you have a TV receiver no matter whether you use the TV service or not. It is not a subscription to a channel but a tax to the government and it is the equivalent to paying VAT in a restaurant or supermarket.

  5. The licence fee is unfair.

    The fee was first introduced when only the BBC was the only broadcaster and nothing was expected to change.So ,the fee was for holding a reciever as opposed to recieving the BBCs pictures.

    However,much has changed and now the BBC recieves unfair and harmful advantages over rival commerical stations because of "the unique way that it is funded".

    The only reason the government continues to criminalise non-payers is because as we all know ,the BBC is New Labours unofficial mouthpiece.

    The licence fee is outdated,unfair to commercial stations and unfair to viewers who choose not to watch its left wing brainwashing,custard pie throwing nonsense.

    How very irritating it is to hear the BBC claiming that non-payers are driving up the cost of other payers.Wouldnt that depend on the BBC budget?Most commercial stations would simply reduce expendiature.

    Does the public have a say in how the BBC spends OUR money?No,it doesnt.Millions in fees are spent on furnishing offices and landscaping the views from BBC offices.Millions more spent on programmes that brainwash our children with government propaganda.


    Just read paul196 's post.

    What excellent and informative material.

    Personally,I have been frustrating inspectors at my door for years.They come once in 12 months and most times I am not in anyway.

    I could afford to pay but refuse to on principle.If others are fool enough to believe the official sounding rhetoric and the threats then I am sorry for them.Every pound we pay is a showing of hands to support the unfair fee.There is no possible way that one could be convicted without a confession.We must be united,say no,its our right.

  6. Goes back in history  before satellites and  subscription TV   Was originally    started to fund the original BBC radio and subsequently a television service..  The idea was that it would enable the BBC to be financed and  report and broadcast   independently of any government policy or pressure,  which might have been the case if government  financed  ....OK  he idea was that each household receiving radio,  then TV,  would pay a small fee ,  and  was licensed / OK  since then radio and TV and all the technologies  have increased tremendously  and also the costs  involved.But the same principle that an independent BBC,  financed by its users  still applies.  OK lots more radio and TV stations  run by the BBC  mean  huge increase in costs so the licence  fee has increased  accordingly.   None of the subscriptions you pay  to Sky or cable companies  goes to the BBC

  7. it is for BBC1,2,3,4, world service

    and radios 1,2,3,4,5

    if we did not have a TV licence, the BBC would be funded from central government.  The problem with that is that the BBC would then not be as independent as it is now.  It would have to present a budget and compete for money the same way as the NHS, education etc.  As we are now, the BBC is free to criticise the government and civil service.  The licence is a small price to pay for this!

    incidentally, here in France the TV licence is included in the council tax bill

  8. You pay a license fee to use a TELEVISION RECEIVER. It doesn't matter what or who you watch.
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