
TV and 1 year old?

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So we all know they recommend no TV for children under 2, but most people don't follow this. My husband allows my one year old to watch one hour (sometimes less) of sesame street in the morning while we get showered and dressed. How much tv does your 1 year old watch? What do you think about this?




  1. My cousins baby watch Sesame street and educational shows alot.

    By the time she was two, she knew her colors, alot of shapes and could count somewhat.

    I think in moderation TV is ok.

  2. Its really hard to say how much my kids watched at the age of 1, they never really sat down and watched an entire program. They would watch maybe 3 minutes at a time, then get up and find something else to do only to come back a while later and watch maybe another 3 minutes. I think its fine for your child to watch an hour of sesame street in the morning, just make sure other than that instance, you aren't using the tv as a babysitter.

  3. I didn't know that you were not supposed to let  children under 2 watch TV.  I let both my daughters watch Noggin during the day and Nighttime Programs for babies before bed.

    I don't think there have been any negative effects.  In fact people always comment on how "Intelligent" or "Advanced" my daughters are.

  4. when my daughter was 1 she probably watched about 20 mins over the day, she wasn't really bothered, although i see nothing wrong with them watching age appropriate programmes, now daughter is almost 3 she watches about 1 hr 30 over the day, but not always, depends on weather!!

  5. My son is 14 months old and loves watching certain tv programmes, In The Night Garden and Thomas The Tank Engine!  He'll even grab the controls and come up to me to make me put the tv on for him!  But i don't let him watch it all the time, its about balance, he has play time, reading time and chill out time in front of the tv which gives me a chance to make dinner or tidy up etc.  As long as you're selective on what your child watches and don't overdo it I don't think there's any harm.  My parents restricted me watching tv my whole childhood and i'm the biggest tv addict ever, I spend every evening watching all my programmes so I don't personally think its a good thing to restrict your child totally!

  6. when my kids were 1 they watched approximately 2 hours of tv but not at once.some tv maybe bad for them but shows geared toward small children are ok,especially teaching shows

  7. I have a 2 1/2 year old and she's been watching TV since she was about 1. There are great educational shows on now, not like all those stupid ones that don't teach your kids anything. My daughter learned shapes, letters, numbers.... things like that. It's hard to get toddlers to catch on to the things we try to teach them, but if Elmo says it ONCE, it sticks into their brains!! LOL I don't think TV is a bad thing.

  8. I let my one year old daughter watch TV, she watches the wiggles almost every day. She LOVES it, she dances to it, and is fixated to the screen. I don't let her sit close to the screen tho, she is forever getting up to get closer, and im forever pulling her back. Each DVD only goes for about 30 - 40 minutes, so thats the most she really watches TV, unless we are sitting around at night, she does sometimes sit and watch it with us as well.

  9. in the morning my daughter wakes up at 7:00 i put on the Disney Chanel. and leave it on till 10am but my daughter doesn't sit still for 3 hours and watch it she plays around and if she hears a song she might stop and dance the only show she sits there and watches in mickey mouse clubhouse! its OK with my because the shows on the Disney Chanel are educational and there are no commercials trying to influence your children to ask for toys!
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