
TV show.. Big Brother 10 on CBS?

by  |  earlier

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Just wondering if anyone on yahoo answers likes this show as much as I do?

Also, do you also watch Showtime, Big Bro after dark?

Do you get the live feeds?

Who are you rooting for?

Is there anyone you can't stand?

How many hours do you spend a day watching it?(approximately)

Does the rest of your family think you are crazy for loving it so much?




  1. Big Brother in Australia just got axed after eight seasons.

    seven seasons to late...

  2. I love big brother (american), but i only watch it on tv...anything else would be too much for me...

    I really am rooting for Dan right now, but I also wouldn't mind Ollie winning.

    I usually watch it when its on tv only...but my dad still gives me a hard time about it. (especially on vacation when i monopolize the tv to watch it)

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