
TWE is back and Presents SummerSlam, Who's gonna win? Come join in and choose. Wrestling Question inside too.?

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Welcome back to TWE which Presents SummerSlam, we got it all tonight, Title's on the line rivalries ending/carrying own and a Contender to be decided, lets not delay any longer let the show begin.

Event 1

AJ Styles won the Triple threat Last Week on TWE against Umaga and Mr Kennedy for a shot at IC champ Kane who has held the title since One Night Stand.

IC Title Match

Kane (c) Vs AJ Styles

Event 2

Diva Tag match, continueing on from the promise of New Superstars and Diva's 4 more Diva's are now revelaed and straight into action

Gail Kim and Cherry Vs Rhaka Khan and Awsome kong

Event 3

Rey Mysterio vacated this title 2 months ago and has not had a holder since, GM Shane picked Gregory Helms to be the first the challange for it, then Evan Bourne won a 6 Man over hte top rope match at The Bash for the other spot, this is the first time these 2 have ever gone 1 on 1 in TWE.

TWE Cruiserweight Title Match, this Title is currently vacant

Gregory Helms Vs Evan Bourne

Event 4

Number 1 Contender Match for TWE Title

Last Week on TWE these 2 finally had the confrontation we were waiting for since they split up as a Tag Team, they walked awayfrom each other shaking hands and showing respect for one and other, but since then in interviews they had been constantly blaming each other for failing to keep hold of The Tag Team Title's and not wining them back. The match was then set up last week for them to compete for the Number 1 Contender spot which was then followed by an RKO from orton. Since then GM Shane has made this a No Disqualification Match.


Randy Orton Vs Edge

Event 5

Beth was put into an I Quit Match at The Great American Bash against Natalya for the chance to go agianst Melina, here's her shot.

TWE Women's Title Match

Beth Vs Melina (c)

Event 6

2 Weeks ago Jamie Noble somehow won the Hardcore Title, it was in a Bar Brawl between Mike Knox and former Champ Raven, both men were down and Noble then chosse to go pin Raven and become the New Hardcore Champion, he has not been seen since leaving Raven in a pretty Foul mood, he has been searching Hig and Low for him. GM Shane McMahon has insisted that Jamie Noble will be here tonight and will defend the title, if he does not come then he will be Fired.

Hardcore Title

Jamie Noble Vs Raven

Extreme Rules

Event 7

Since winning the King Of The Ring Tournament at Night Of Champions, John morrison has split with Tag Partner The Miz and has been full of his cocky self, one night he decided to pick a fight with Sting and failed in his attempt, since then he has shown very little respect to the Icon so Sting accepted Morrison's challange for a match tonight.

John Morrison Vs Sting

Event 8

Big Show has been doing GM Shane McMahon's dirty work recently, he also stood ringside and helped Shane destroy Rey Mysterio during they're match at The Great American Bash. Batista who was banished for the night at the Bash is not happy about this, this is why this match has been set up so Batista can try and get revenge on Big Show for his friend Rey Mysterio who will be out for at least 1 month.

Last Man Standing Match

Batista Vs Big Show

Main Event

TWE Title Match

Finlay lost his chance at being involved in this match by not getting the pin he needed during the match with Kurt Angle against Kane and The Undertaker, but Shane McMahon his given Finlay the next best thing, he will be the Guest Referee for this Match.

Kurt Angle Vs The Undertaker (c)

WQ. Which Title's, if any will change hands at SummerSlam?




  1. Kane beats AJ

    Khan and kong

    A thrilling Match between the 2, but Gregory Helms wins

    A brutal and Entertaining match between the 2 especially with what is on the line, I pick Randy to win this won after an RKO with Edge landing face first onto a chair

    Beth becomes new Women's Champion

    Jamie Noble tries his hardest to run away from Raven, but his reign as Hardcore Champ is cut very short, once Raven got hold of him it was over within minutes, Raven backas champ.

    John Morrison gets a deserved win, he shows that he has learnt from the Icon, after the match Sting offers his hand in respect, but is then kicked back down to the floor by Morrison, this goes on till Security breaks it up and Sting is carried off on a stetcher

    Another brutal match with both guys getting up on a 9 count twice, Batista is finished off once Shane interfers and hits him from behind with a chair, Big SHow finishes him off with a chokeslam, shane then tells Batista like Rey you have lerant not to go against me.

    Main EVent

    Kurt Angle dominats the match, Undertaker barly gets a look in he pins Taker Finlay jumos down 1,2............... he does not count to 3, Kurt keeps taker in the pin, but finlay refuses to count to 3, Undertaker gets up he battles on with Kurt Angle finally getting the better of him, he sets up the Tombstone Pildriver and has Kurt pinned, Taker looks around and Finlay is nowhere to be seen, Taker gets up and starts looking for Finlay as does Kurt Ang;e when he finally gets up, they are both outside the ring, they then start fighting again and then out of nowhere finlay comes back with is shelali and batters them both, he climbs back into the ring and starts a 10 count with the match ending with both Kurt Angle and The Undertaker being counted out, meaning The Undertaker is still champion.

  2. Event 1: Kane manages to defeat AJ Styles since AJ can't bring him down. Despite a few cheap shots to Kane, Kane gets the Chokeslam from the tope rope to retain.

    Event 2: Gail Kim has had experience facing off against Kong so they have the edge in this match. They try to bring Kong off her feet and they finally do after minutes and land a frog Splash to get the Pin.

    Event 3: Evan Bourne tries with all his might to use the top rope manuvers that he can do to bring Helms down. Helms sees it coming and lands a Top Rope Shining Wizard and pins Bourne.

    Event 4: This Match is going back and fourth until Randy Orton lands the RKO on Edge. He is about to get the victory when there is an Interference by Chavo and Bam! Then they demand another ref to come out after beating up the other ref. A new ref comes out, but who is it? Christian! He hits Orton with a steel chair and puts Edge on Orton and Edge get's the win.

    Event 5: This was an upset. Eveyone thought that Beth would crush Melina but were surprised to see Melina land Some Top Rope Moves to pin the Mighty Glamazon.

    Event 6: This match goes back and fourth as well until Raven manages to hit Noble with the Steel Bar that Noble had with him during the match. Raven got the pin and left. Noble is badly hurt in the ring. Possibly a serious injury?

    Event 7: This is a Squash Match. Morrison doesn't know where Sting is when the lights go out and then they go back on and Sting is in the ring and Morrison is layed out! Sting pins Morrison in 10 seconds.

    Event 8: Batista and Big Show shake hands and start the brawl. Big Show has the advantage when he chokeslam's Batista into a table. Batista get's up at 9 and the regular brawl continues for about 10 minutes until Batista goes Conchairto and hits Big Show with multiple Steel Chairs at once. Then Batista gets a ladder and jumps off onto Big Show. Batista Wins.

    MAIN EVENT: Finlay helps Angle throughout the matchup and even lands cheap shots on Undertaker. Eventually though Finlay attacks Kurt Angle! Finlay puts Taker on Angle for the pin. Finlay says it should have been him in this match and he will beat The Undertaker for his title. Then out of No Where Taker Chokeslam's Finlay!

    9/10 Good Show

    WWEYA Summerslam! Please come and answer! Who will win? You decide!

  3. Event 1: AJ Styles

    Event 2: Rhaka Khan and Awsome kong

    Event 3: Evan Bourne

    Event 4 :Edge

    Event 5: Beth

    Event 6: Raven

    Event 7: John Morrison

    Event 8: Big Show (w/interference from Shane O'Mac!)

    Main Event: Kurt Angle (New Champ)

    WQ: The only titles I can see changing would be the IC Title/Woman's Title...other than that, everyone should keep their titles!

  4. I.C Title  Match

    Event 1)  This opening match is turn out to be a classic as both AJ Styles and Kane, really wanted this win, but the winner of this good match was  Kane who chokeslammed AJ Styles for the win

    Diva Tag Match

    Event 2) The Winners in this was the team of Awesome Kong and Rhaka Khan, with Kong pinning Cherry for the win

    TWE Cruiserweight Title Match

    Event 3) This was one fast good match as Even Bourne did everything he could think of to put Gregory Helms away, but this was not his night as Helms was one step ahead of him.  ao the winner of this match was Gregory Helms

    Number 1 Contender match for the TWE World Championship

    Event 4)Both Edge and Randy Orton was looking to take each other out in this amazing match,  during one point  Orton hit the RKO on the chair and then fellowed with a pin fall. but  Edge kick out

    So now  Orton goes to the outside by looking under the ring to find a ladder, which he brings into to the ring, as he try's to life the ladden out of no where Edge spear him right though the ladder, both wrestlers are in pain but Edge rolls over to cover his opponent 1-2-3 winner Edge

    TWE Woman's Title match

    Event 5) Beth Phoenix see this match as her last chance at the Womans title,  as this match is taking place Beth is making sure Melina does not out wrestle her, but Melina is not give up on this fight to as she wants to show Beth whats a real champion is all about

    But by the end  of the night there was a new Womans Champion as Beth made sure nothing got in her way, by making forceing Melina to be smart enough to tap out

    Hardcore Title

    Event 6 ) Jamie Noble comes to ring side anf tell Raven thay do not have to do this tonight, but  Raven does not want to hear it, any other way and tells the ref to ring the bell, Nobel then trys to smash his beer bottle on Raven head, but it's no good as Raven caught  it then give Nobel a DDT. for the win

    7) John Morrision vs  Sting which  most of the fans wanted  to see Morrision get what was coming to him, lucky for the fans they got there wish, as Sting wanted to match sure he taught Morrision a lesson he will never forget. but Morrision had a plan by never quiting and won the match with a roll up win

    8) Batista is finally getting his hands on the Big Show, and wants to make sure Big Show feel the same pain  Rey Myestrio was in, when both Shane Mcmahon with Both Show took Rey out of action, so Batista cares only about payback in this match

    Still this is so small task as Big Show show why he is a threat to any wrestler, he then caught  Batista  into the Chokeslam and force the ref to make a count to ten, so 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9- no Batista gets up, and the look in his face is so mad, as he about to unleash the animal on Big Show,  so then he throws Batista out of the ring,  now both of these wrestlers are on Entrance ramp,

    Big Show go for the  chockslam again but this time it's block then Batista spears Big Show right off of the Stage, hey ref make the count please, 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9.5-10  Batista is your winner of this wonderful match

    TWE World title match

    Main Event) As this match starts Kurt Angle keeps getting into Finlay face, saying he is going to become world champion tonight while Finlay has to make the pin fall, all Finlay said is don't turn around

    So Angle turns around and wam Undertaker is all over Kurt Angle,  this match is getting crazy  as Finlay is letting those two world class athetes tear each other apart, later during the match Angle goes for his Angle Slam but Undertaker gets out of it and Chokeslam right onto Angle, who rolls right out of the ring

    Angle see a chair so he grab's  it but then Finlay goes right into his face,  to tell him put the chair down or else, you lost this world title shot.  Angle just about loses it thinking he is going to get s***w. so he throws a wild punch at Finlay miss but walks right into the last ride. 1-2-3 still champion undertaker

    WQ: Not really sure but maybe Matt Hardy will finally be World Champion tomorrow,

  5. Event 1 : AJ is going for the pin on kane after hitting his finisher the refs hand is comming down for the three count when all of a sudden Mr. Kennedy comes to the ring and pulls AJ out of the ring. The ref calls for the dq as Kennedy and Styles battle outside the ring Kane grabs a chair from under the ring and nails both AJ and Kennedy

    Winner: Kane

    Event 2: Cherry goes to tag in Gail but the ref doesn't see it as she argues with the ref Kong comes from behind and rolls up Cherry for the win.

    Event 3: Gregory Helms Throws Even Bourne outside the ring and places him on the announce table. He then climbs up the top rope and nails a moonsault. The crowd is going nuts. Both superstars are knocked out cold and the ref counts to 10 for a double knockout

    Event 4: Edge and Orton are going at it when out of nowhere edge spears orton and grabs the win

    Event 5: beth has the edge early on in the match but beth locks in the finisher and meliana reverses it into a ddt for the pin.

    Event 6: Raven is in the ring waiting for noble to enter the ring. His music hits but no sign of noble. When all of a sudden Noble comes from behind and rolls up Raven for the win he then runs backstage with the title raven is upset and chases after him....

    Event 7: Sting wins after a hard fought match

    Event 8 : Kurt locks in the ankle lock And its over as the undertaker taps out

  6. Event 1

    Kane retains

    Event 2

    Rhaka Khan and Awesome Kong

    Event 3

    Evan Bourne

    Event 4

    Randy Orton

    Event 5


    Event 6


    Event 7

    John Morrison

    Event 8


    Main Event


  7. Event 1


    Event 2

    Gail Kim and Cherry

    Event 3

    Evan Bourne

    Event 4

    Randy Orton

    Event 5


    Event 6


    Event 7


    Event 8


    Main Event

    The Undertaker (c)

    Rating: 9.5/10

    WQ. Cm Punks title

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