
TWO-FACED Friend!!Click if you feel like reading!?

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so i have this friend that im friends with at school ,were pretty cool and shes loud and cusses like in a conversation and is so cool when were at school with our friends but when ever we go to a party like a baby shower and like my mom is there and all the older ladies and like u cuz were teenagers I dress up but she dresses up so much and acts like shes so freaking pretty and cuz shes older then me she ditches me to go talk to my cuzins that are her age and she sucks up and acts liek she is a sweet heart and has low voice and doesnt even say one word but then i kinda get mad cuz im myself but they start talkign to her and stuff ,once i was sitting in a seat with the "group " at hte party liek teen group and i got up to get water she came late to the party so she sat next to her mom and the older ladies and she was in their conversation acting liek shes already 25 and laughing but when i came back she was in my seat ,UHHHH,and she was talking to them and gossiping and being all goody good and they wer falliing for her,and i had to sit on the floor UHHHHHHHHHH,and now my cuzin is moving ,my cuzin is like her age and she is so cool but im afraid that shes gonna suck up to her and stuff and that my cuzin will like her better,i dotn know what to do ??I was thinking of doing what she does always look my best,be sweet and jsut go in the middle and cut her off and make her mad but it is so hard to maek her mad ,i wanna make a comment about her clothes one day cuz she always has something rude to say about my clothes,what she i say about her overdressing liek i have to make it seem like im trying to be nice but at the same time embaress her or make her mad

sorry for spellinng and its long:]

Just any suggestions:]

I mean were freinds and when she cusses i dont mean like to me just like in a converstion she say the f word you knwo what i mean but its liek she ditches me and like acts older and better and cuter and more friendly and cooler,it hurts cuz i go home very upset all the time




  1. what is she doing at ur family parties id she's a friend from school?

    any way,what u should do is act like her.about her over dressing sy something like "it's so cute how ur trying to look older,u really shouldnt u look just fine in your clothes" or say something like "is that ur mom's shirt ur wearing?it's really pritty but i think it's abit old for you".

    i ddnt really understand the situation,but i hope i helped.

  2. First off, why are you even friends with her if youre going to say rude things about her on the internet?

    And second, just let her be. If she's happy then take your over dramatic self and go find a different friend.

    You need to grow up.

  3. sweetheart...first of all, take a deep breathe!!  There are alot of issues you speak of in this story.  But the most important one is can't change anyone but yourself...but don't change who YOU are just because you want to "fit" in...just be yourself and nevermind what your friend does.  and when you feel insulted at a comment made about your clothes...don't let her know it bothers don't need to let it bother you first of all, all that matters is that YOU like what YOU are wearing.  Don't covet (wish for her likeness)...her.  You are individuals and it is meant to be that way.  If she shuns you, than you don't really have a friend now do you?  Its ok for you to draw your boundaries as to what is acceptable to you.  Just don't hang with her.  Than you won't have anything to worry about.  remove your problem....because she isn't YOUR problem.  Hope that helps.

  4. Be the bigger person. She doesn't sound like a friend at all! Don't do the same thing to her, because by not doing that, you're acting older than she is acting! Ha ha! Wow, she sounds like a Little Miss Priss. That's very rude of her to ditch you and have the nerve to comment on your clothes, when she's always the one over-dressing! Hmph! If you ask me, any small comment she makes, fire one right back, but not worse. Be the bigger person, but don't do that by letting her step on you. Stand up to her as well, but don't overdo it. You know what I mean? If you don't think your friendship is working out in the end, end it!

    Well, good luck to you!

  5. if your "friend" ditches you and starts taking your seat and hangs out with the people u were talking to and pretends that your not there then mabye she isnt your friend at all mabye u should tell her i hate you for being mean and always ditching me and tell her if u want to be my friend you need to prove yourself worthy first

  6. that was very confusing but i think u should talk to her and if she doesnt listen go ahead give her a taste of her own medicine make fun of her because i had a friend just like that but worst and i ended are friendship because she was so annoying!

  7. dont think of her as a best friend think of her as just someone to talk to when your other friends aren't there

  8. Well, I use to have a friend like that..

    And she never changed! It's been like 15 years...

    (14 to be exact..)

    So I stopped being friends with her YEARS ago!

    Those type of ppl never change!

    you just have to learn to not let it bother you, and forget about how

    it makes you feel..Just do your own thing..

    Don't try to act like her to get back at her, and don;t try to act better

    than her just to get back at her..Bc then you just being her, and the

    way shes acting is VERY immature..

    Just walk away, show her that you don't NEED to hang out with her

    and her little "group" and that your perfectly fine doing your own


    Trust me, ppl like that like to see that it bothers you, but when you

    show them that it doesn't, then they come back to you wanting

    your attention..And when you don't give it to them, its gets on their


    And p.s.

    cussing doesn't make her cool..It just shows how immature she

    is for thinking that it will..

  9. in some situation ppl try and pull away from friends. and in that case it means, shes not a true friend. but u always have that one person in ur life that u know will never do that, for instance a true friend. u sound like an outgoing and sweet person, so don't have her ruin ur happiness, trust me, I'm one who does that. lets ppl, put me down, and bottle it  up. NOT such a good idea. hurts. so as for this "friend", just ignore her, but if u really want to be friends wit her, try adn talk to her and tell her how u fell. that will really help. hope i helped. xoxo----------- a true friend

  10. the same thing has happened to me before what you do is kinda stop being as close to her as you used to and be like hey and tell her how you feel if she is or was really your friend she will understand

  11. Wow sounds like a ***** to me

  12. i think u shood make bad coments to her like she does to u and stick up for yourself and say ur tired of her acting the way she  is  and if u cant take it anymor dont be frends with her

  13. ditch her..she sounds horrible.

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