
TWW, How early can i test??

by  |  earlier

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Been TTC for months now with no luck, but this month i have been getting symptoms that i have never had before: very sore/tender b*****s, blue veins showing on b*****s, pink spotting (6dpo) with quite intense cramping (spotting only lasted a day but cramping lasted for 2-3), very heavy/full feeling in lower abdomen, also my sense of smell is heightened although it could all be in my head lol! Im not due AF for another 8/9 days so does anyone know 1. how soon can i test? and 2. how likely a BFP is with these symptoms?

Has anyone else had these symptoms and been preggers?

Thank you for your help xx




  1. depending on the type of test you use, you cant test as early as a few days before your period is expected (with early results tests) or after your missed period (with just a regular test).

    Your symptoms do sound like you may have hit gold. : )

    Good Luck and Baby Dust!

  2. i did have the mild cramping around 7dpo which was to early for af cramps and only one sore breast, and the heavy feeling you get when you do get your period, i tested positive at 10 dpo, i would wait a week then test with a early pregnancy test, but does sound promising though good luck  

  3. im having some of the same symptoms now too. sore b*****s,blue veins and cramping now 7dpo. had no spotting tho. but sure thats normal. i have been told to test 14 days after i ovulated so i would wait then hun just to be sure its not our periods coming. im trying not to think about it just try and be patient and hope for the best. hope we both get the answer we want good luck hun  

  4. from day 28 of your cycle - that would go on that you ovuulated on day 14 though, so another one could be done one day 30 just to be sure

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