Man this TWW stinks! I always try to keep my excitment in check but every month the TWW seems long. Any tips for how to pass the time?
I'm 32, been ttc for 18 months. This month my doctor has me on 100mg daily of B-6 and 200mg of progesterone in a suppository at night to try to help with a 10-11 day luteal phase. I'm 3DPO so I start the progesterone tonight and am a little anxious. What should I expect...both physically and mentally as I start these? Your experiences with this would be most appreciated!
This cycle I had a positive OPK on CD20 in the late eveing, so I'm pretty sure I O'ed on CD 21. We BD on CD 15, 17, 19, 21 & 22. Temps have been high since CD22. I'm so hoping it's my time...
Thanks for all the baby dust you can spare!!!