
TWW is killing me! Have you tested yet?

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I have several symptoms of pregnancy including (but not limited to!) swollen sore b*****s, swollen feet, nausea, extreme fatigue, headaches, indigestion and everyone asking "are you pregnant?" (apparently I have "the glow") or "when are you going to test?"

We have been TTC for almost a year and I was diagnosed with PCOS in May, this is my 2nd cycle of Clomid, so the chances are definitely greater that I am pregnant...I'm just scared to test because I have seen so many negatives and I get so depressed. My birthday is on Sunday, so I plan to test then and hopefully get a BFP birthday surprise! I will be 14 DPO then, so wish me luck!

Is anyone else feeling early symptoms? Did you test yet?




  1. Good luck!!!  If you do get a BFN though enjoy your bday and have LOTS OF CAKE :P

  2. yeah, I'm 10ish DPO and I just tested. I think I got a + but its so faint I dont want to believe it. We have been trying for 10 months!

    You sound pregnant to me. I had a lot of weird feelings this 2ww such as  funny feelings in my pelvic area, some really isolated headaches, heartburn (which i only have when im pregnant), and i've been real weepy. also i get nauseated more easily.

    I really hope you get a BFP for your bday!! that would be the best present ever!

    Good Luck! and Happy Birthday!

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