
TWW nearly over, anyone else in the same position?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, well my period is due on wed 3rd Sept as i have a 28day cycle. This is my first time actually TTC, i have been pregnant in the past (both ended in M/C) but i was never actually trying with those two. I am dreading getting up on wed morn and seeing AF appear, this is going to be the slowest two days. I did test on saturday past and it was BFN, very disheartning, im HOPING i was just too early.

Good luck to everyone TTC and i hope this has been our month for it ;)




  1. Well, I'm on CD 24 not really sure of how many DPO which is a little unnerving this cycle. I am due for

    AF on Sept 9th. I think I may still be in the running but I dunno b/c I have started eating sweets.

    But so far I just have sore b*****s and I saw a little stretchy CM today. TTC def is not as easy as I

    thought either and I didn't think it would take this long, I thought I wouldve had a BFP by now. So

    far it has been about 5 going on 6 cycles, since August past that makes 6 months. Sometimes you

    wonder if something may be wrong but then you realize it will happen when it happens and God is

    ready to bless you/ feels you are ready. And I'm just trying to maintain that outlook on it.  

    ~Good Luck and Baby Dust to All...  

  2. I hate AF with a passion!!! I am at the end of my tww. She should be visiting any time now! I tested today and another BFN. This whole TTC is not as easy as I thought it would be!!!! GOOD LUCK to you and tons of :::::baby dust::::::

  3. I have exactly one week to wait!! I have been having a few symptoms, lower abdominal cramps, backache, constipation/piles and white/milky discharge, so I am really hoping this will be the month for me!! I hate the tww, and am tempted to do a test, but would be so upset if it was negative!!

    Please let me know how you get on, ill keep my pinkies crossed for you and sending lots of love and baby dust your way!!


  4. Me too! AF is due on the 4th. With my first we were not even trying. . I don't count back in April when we only had s*x the day of ovulation. This is my second month ttc. I feel tired, pee alot, sick stomach, but I am skeptical since odds are against me. I hope you are, and me too! Keep us updated.

  5. Well my tww is over on the 7th and I think I am out(insert pouty face here) I was really thinking I did it until I woke up this morning all crampy. I really dislike AF. I think she is the worst Aunt ever. LOL.  

  6. my period is due sept. 5 or 6....i have a little bit of fatigue, but i dont think its because im pregnant....i hate the 2ww too. but what can you do....i think if i get my period this week i'll just give up know, just go with the flow...not even think about trying either....just having s*x whenever we feel like it.

    thats acctually how i got pregnant last time...(april 2008) but i miscarried june 2008....i was 11 weeks....i hope this will be your month...lots of baby dust to you. and im going to pray that we'll all get our angel babys one of these days.

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