I have a 2 year old (boy) and a ten year old (girl). The 2 year old is my child. The 10 year old is my step daughter but we have full custody of her. My 2 year old is in the process of learning table manners. He says the blessing, says please and thank you and he doesn't chew with his mouth open or talk with food in his mouth. He is a bit messy, but we are working on that. My daughter, however, has horrible manners. She chews with her mouth open, talks with her mouth full, shovels food in, spills food, interrupts people, jumps in front of everyone at events, starts eating before the blessing, puts her elbows on the table, etc. She makes meal times quite miserable. I try to correct her, but it never works. She starts crying. I don't know what to do with her. I know that my son is picking up horrible habits from her and I know that she is going to have a difficult time socially. I was thinking about doing, like, a Ten Commandments of Table Manners. Any advice?