
Table issues please help asap!!!!!!!?

by Guest57152  |  earlier

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i am attempting to make a beer pong table that folds in half.... the problem is i had to put the hinge on the top of the table. I have put four barrel bolts on the bottom but yet it still "V' in the middle any ideas??




  1. your design is wrong

    the hinge goes on the bottom of the table

    what you do is build 2 boxes out of wood strips

    then you attach the 2 table tops to them

    then you flip them over on the floor table top down

    then you attach the ''piano'' hinge

    when it's all together and you turn it over the pressure between the ''walls'' you have made should keep the table flat

    this is how comercially made units are put together

    part of the trick is to use a very thin table top so as to keep the weight down. and therby the pressure againt the hinge


    that barrel bolt idea is a good one but as you can see yourself,, they are just too dam short to help brace anything. But you are on the right track as far as adding additional bracing

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