
Tabletop Games?

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Hey I have played in the past games like warhammer 40k and warlord. I am thinking about gettin abck into the hobby. Should i Start with a new game or kepp the old ones. Also I want somthing thats not to expensive (and yes i do know the games-workshop is absurd). Even if it may be expensive what should i do and where should i start?




  1. There are lots of good table top miniatures games on the market, GW being the most common (and most expensive).  

    The "Clix" games series from Wix Kids is strong, but has the drawback of common, uncommon, rare distribution, similar to collectible card games.

    Most readily accessible and expandable is Milton Bradley's HeroScape series.  It doesn't have quite the level of customizability as GW, but has a very solid rule set, comes with pre-painted minis, and is playable across a pretty wide age-range.

    Happy gaming!

  2. try its a fun online game and its free

  3. Rumor I heard is the 40K guys are giving us a new Codex: Dark Eldar in November sometime.  There's a new Codex: Orks just out last month, so you may want to get into the greenskins.  There's also a new Codex: Eldar that changes things up a little bit.

    In the Warhammer side, there's a new Vampire Counts book, of course with new models.  I don't really follow WH that much, so I can't say for sure.  If you're into Tolkein, GW has the relatively new LOTR tabletop strategy game.  It's got too many supplements (one for practically every chapter in the books) for my taste, but maybe you'd enjoy it.

    That concludes your GW informative speech for today.  Long Live the Emperor!

  4. Cheap, DBx is a good one and you only have to buy bases, unless you wanna make those too ( I made a lot of my DBx minis from clay). It has a fantasy version and historical ones, which can be played at multiple scales, so you can buy as cheap a mini as you want! There is a Yahoo! group for DBA and possibly HOTT (the fantasy version). I play Warmaster as well, it's pretty cheap especially with other companies producing 10mm minis along with GW. Here is site for a description of DBx systems.



  5. Well, any tactical table top game is going to cost bank, as minatures are pricey. Actually any table top gaming will be pricey as you have to buy books and everything, so I'd suggest going to your local gaming stores, finding a good group and seeing what games catch you interest, as it is you money. When you find one that has the elements you enjoy most, see if someone will run you through a game to show you the ropes, and if you still like it, go for it. fi not, try something new.

    I personally prefer pen and paper table top and a little vampire larp when I get the urge to act a little, but it sounds like you're into the mini's scene, so that's probibly where you're going to gravitate towards.

    Good luck.
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