
Tachometer jumping?

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Hi - I just purchased an old 1978 Suzuki 185. The tach jumps until I press down and forward on the tach. It seems obvious that the when I press down I'm helping the cable make contact. However when it's having problems all the jumping occurs above 7k. I would have thought if my cable lost contact it would drop to 0. Does any of this make sense?




  1. Like Tinker says, the cable may (probably does)need lubrication. Disconnect it at the tach and dribble some oil down it. When you put it back together, make sure the nut is tight. Mine used to vibrate loose. A loose nut can cause the same symptoms(intermittent contact with the cable).

  2. You might try lubing the cable. Sounds like its dry, friction is making it jump.
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