
Tackling a yard comprised of weeds (no joke)?

by  |  earlier

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We just moved into a new home and the contractor suggested we wait to lay our sod until August b/c July is too hot and unless we want to constantly water it or replace it when it dies. So we opted to wait until August, but now our previously dirt yard is literally weeds and crab grass. I went out and bought weed killer but my question is how can I prevent them from regrowing between now and when the sod comes??? Is there a product or DIY method that can be put on the ground to stop weeds (maybe like a fertilizer but reversed : D ) Also, because I don't want these troublesome weeds killing off my new sod when it comes as well!! Thanks - stace




  1. i would use a diluted form of Round-Up or any other weed killer.  You could also till the area before you lay your new sod.

  2. Well "weed-be-gone" works very well,also this product is great for broad-leaf weeds.I couldn't believe your contractor said wait till august,perhaps he never heard of the saying "dog days of august".

    Ideally early spring and fall are the times however landscaping companies are placing today.Now would definitely be a good time to start with yard design and irrigation.Spray with weed be gone or 2,4-D wait a few days and clear ground.

    My Best

  3. some people use hot boiling water

  4. Sod is nice for an instant yard.

    But you may also want to solarize your grass:  cut the grass as short as possible and lay plastic or tarp over the grass.  Hold the tarp down with heavy objects.  (We use rocks)  In 6-8 weeks that patch of yard will be dead of all weeds, nematodes and fungus in the soil, basically sterlizing that soil.  It will be like new-born.  You can then replant grass although that's best done in the spring.

    Solorizing uses no chemicals but it's obviously tme-consuming and perhaps not what you want to do, but we do it here in AZ with success, both for "sick" soil or patches of grass overtaken by weeds.

    Weeds can never be 100% prevented though, but this method does cut back on existing weed seeds in your soil.

  5. I also recommend Roundup to kill all the weeds before laying sod.  Depending on your climate, August may still be too hot for sod.  In Texas I would wait until September.

  6. Round-up will kill everything and you can safely re-plant 2 weeks after final application.

  7. then make this:

    1 cup children's shampoo or liquid dish soap (it removes seed shell protection)

    1 cup hydrogen peroxide

    2 tablespoons instant tea (liquid pre-merge controls can also be added to this tonic)

    put into a 20 gal hose end sprayer and spray away.

    Use it every 7-14 days for 4 treatments.

    Then to really zing weeds apply the following tonic in your 20 gal hose end sprayer between 1pm and 3pm on a bright sunny day.

    1 cup liquid dish soap

    1 cup household ammonia

    4 tablespoons instant tea

  8. Healthy grass is more dominate than weeds.For now buy a product called 2-4D it kills weeds and not grass,and it's cheap.Pull the weeds right before sod,and I would definetly rototill about 1 1/2 inches down before sod to increase speed of root growth.The crab grass should be pulled or tilled under as well.The sod will starve sprouts from sunshine and if you properly water and fertilize the grass will keep the weeds out.

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