
Tacky gift giving situation: what should I do?

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I airmailed my friend a birthday gift. The box had a shirt worth $24 and a pair of matching earrings. I got myself the exact same shirt.

Anyway, when I came to wearing my own shirt, I found that the price was printed on the tag from the manufacturer. I had only removed the sticker placed on by the shop, but did not remove the price tag from the manufacturer from my friend's shirt…

I am not concerned about being judged by the price of the gift but the tackiness of the situation.

My friend received the before her birthday and was really excited about opening it on her birthday… she kept messaging me saying she can't wait to open the box…

On her birthday, I messaged saying happy birthday and she messaged back thanking me for the message but did not mention the gift.

Was she offended by the price tag?

What should I do? I am really embarrassed.

Should I mention it? What should I say?




  1. You gave her a pair of earrings, too. What would she expect?

  2. It was an honest mistake. She shouldn't be offended by something so petty.  

  3. If she's that offended by a price tag, then I wouldn't want to be her friend. Accidents happen.  

  4. Lol, I leave all sorts of tags on gifts all the time! They really know how to hide those little suckers good...

    Your friend shouldn't care, the only time someone might think a price tag was left on on purpose is if the gift was really expensive, if not, then why would you ever want someone to know how much you paid? If it really bothers you, you can just mention to your friend in passing: "Hey, i think I accidentally left a price tag on your gift, sorry about that!" She honestly shouldn't care less, I know I wouldn't.

    Don't look a gift horse in the mouth! :)

  5. You were not tacky.  If you think you must, tell her you didn't see the additional tag and didn't remove it before you sent it, you noticed it on another shirt you purchased after the fact.

    Or, don't mention it.  Your friend is being tactful and not mentioning the tag but just thanking you for thinking of her.

  6. i think you are worrying about nothing.  Some people leave the tag on in case the person wants to return it if it doesn't fit or they don't like it.  I seriously doubt she was offended just because the tag was left on.

  7. Don't mention it, don't worry about it. Price tags are often very well hidden and it's hard to find them all. If she should mention it, say, "I can't believe I did that!" and let it go. It's not a big deal.

    And if she is offended by the price tag, then you might want to rethink a friend who would put a price on friendship. You did a nice thing by sending a gift. The price should not matter.

    Hope this is helpful!

  8. Call her up and tell it just like you explained here.  It was an honest mistake, not intentional.  If she's a friend she'll laugh about it with you and it's not a big deal.  

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