
Tacky? what do you think?

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when girls get on the ice with tights and stretchy shorts?

it just seems so tacky why would you take the time to take off your shorts, put on tights, then put on shorts again? when you can just as easily put on a skirt/dress, or even skating pants! (by pants, im not talking about jeans, im talking about SKATING PANTS) you dont even need tights with skating pants so why wear shorts?

i dont hate the girls! i just think its tacky! hating other people because of the way they look is ignorant. but i dont hate them, i just think the attire is tacky. there is a HUGE difference!

also, if they are figure skating they can afford a $7 skirt. if you can afford the ice time, the lessons, and all of the other stuff. then you can afford a $7 skirt.




  1. I'm not a big fan of tights and I see how it's pointless but the reasons I can think of having them would be:

    A. It's a fashion statement.

    B. The tights are there to help padding when you fall down and instead of having just shorts where skin is exposed the tights help to prevent any damage for your skin.

  2. I don't think it is tacky, I would wear it. Besides I would rather see them in shorts than in skirts where the panty part is so small that it starts to become engulfed into their bum (not as uncommon as one might think)

  3. Are you sure you don't like it because you don't like the way you look in shorts on ice? I know a lot of people who wear shorts with their tights. It is easier to skate with them on, and they are easy and cheap too. I had an ice show costume that was the stretchy shorts, and it actually looked cool.  You should try it, and then decided what to think.

  4. I understand what you mean but I don't have a problem when the skaters wear some type of shorts but there's girls at my rink who wear like hollister short shorts and i think that is just pointless. if you want to wear shorts at least wear athletic appropriate ones!

  5. I don't care anymore. It does look good on some ppl though. But on others it does look tacky.

  6. I don't think it is tacky. A lot of girls at my rink do it all the time. Why not. Especially at this time of year it is so hot. And if they are comfortable in it then it doesn't really matter. Maybe they don't like the skirts. Or maybe they just like the way it feels when they skate in shorts. Seriously you asked this question twice. Who cares. It's what they like to do. So leave them alone. And if you are so curious about why they do ask them. And see what they say. I have thought abot doing it myself so it's not that big of a deal.

  7. You already asked this question! And I answered it before, but I'll answer again.

    First of all, have you SEEN them walk to the rink with shorts on and no tights and go to the bathroom and come out with the same shorts and this time WITH the tights on? If not, then why are you assuming they do that? If yes, then why do you care? It's cleary none of your business at all. Let them do what they want. When I go to the rink afterschool, I take off my shirt, put on a long sleeve, and put on that same shirt over again. Is that such a bother to you? Shorts and skirts are the same thing! You could wear a skirt, take it off, put on tights, and put on a skirt again. I've seen kids do that since it's so hot now and they don't want to wear tights during the drive. Why is the attire so tacky to you? It's simple, shorts and tights. Same as skirt and tights. At least most shorts are plain black and maybe there are tropical colored skirts with all these crazy designs on them. Just mind your own business, let them do whatever they want, unless your jealous of them somehow maybe?!

  8. i am a figure skater and i do this often. i do not wear shorts over tights because i think it is stylish, i wear it for comfort. shorts are actually more comfortable and more casual than a skating dress, and most of my dresses i save for competitions. Most skating skirts go for $20 or higher, and the ones that cost $7 are very, very bad qualiaty. skating parts usually are very warm, so i wear those in the winter, but once the warm weather starts coming in, (i skate in an outdoor rink)  i opt for tights under shorts. I respect your opinion, because everyone is entitled to one, but i just want to make it clear why skaters wear shorts over tights.

  9. i think you should worry more about yourself than what other people wear. i personally think wearing shorts is more comfortable. the same goes for wearing yoga pants. you should try it sometime and then maybe you will realize how tacky you look for posting this question.

  10. hey it doesnt matter what people wear on the ice as long as their comfortable

  11. I think, your stupid.  People can wear what they want, its quite modest ice clothing, and it looks nice, i often wear shorts and tights with a hoodie.  I think your just jealous of the attire of other skaters.  What a dumb question.

  12. I so agree with you, it's way tacky

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