
Taco Or Grilled Cheese???

by  |  earlier

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In a fight who would win?

A taco or a grilled cheese???




  1. i personally am a big fan of grilled cheese!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. TACO :D

  3. grilled cheese

  4. I say a grilled cheese. They usually weigh more and it won't take as much to knock them out  

  5. A taco. Because they are healthier. A grilled cheese is just loaded with oil but a taco actually has nutrients.

  6. Taco will win,no matter what...

  7. taco because mexicans are usually good wrestlers!

  8. Grilled cheese


  9. definitely taco  

  10. Taco would. A grilled cheese sandwich is too plain. It only has melted cheese, but a taco can be filled with practically any meat, fish, shellfish, vegetable, and cheese allows for great versatility and variety. A taco is also often accompanied by a garnish such as salsa!

  11. A taco.=)

  12. It depends on the type of cheese used on the taco

  13. Grilled Cheese!

  14. A taco

  15. Grilled cheese. Yumm :-P~~~~

  16. Taco

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