
Tactfully Requesting No More Forwards?

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How do I tactfully request that friends who never bother to see if something they send is an urban legend not send me any forwards? I'm wondering if there's a tactful way to handle this, since some people get awfully sensitive if you point out that something they sent is actually a hoax. My best bet is probably liberal use of the Delete key, but thought it wouldn't hurt to ask.




  1. I delete them.  If anyone asks if I enjoyed such and such that they forwarded, I tell them that I have had so many problems with my PC that I am very uncomfortable opening anything that has been forwarded.  So far, everyone has been very understanding, and the forwarded emails have just about stopped  -- still get a few, but from people who live out of state and rarely see.

  2. Send and email to all of your contacts that states your email in box is overflowing with forwarded email and although you enjoy hearing from them, you would appreciate personal messages, but please no more forwards.  That way everyone will get the same message and no one in particular is singled out.

    Good luck!

  3. Just tell them that you apprecate their thought of sending you the forward, but your inbox gets quite full and that you wish to hear actual news from them rather than a mass email.

  4. I have a similar situation, with someone who forwards 98% of the time, and writes something personal 2% of the time.

    If you have Yahoo Mail or other email applications, you can set up 'filters' or rules.

    Mine is:

    If  sender = [this person's email address]


    Subject contains "FW or RE:


    move message[s]  to "stuff from [this person]"  folder.

    This keeps my inbox clean...and every week or so I will look in the "Stuff from..." folder to see if there's anything important.

  5. I have the same problem--some of these forwards are so stupid.  Some of them are even horrible and offensive--I've gotten ones that say someone will come kill me if I don't forward it.  What I do is I send out a mass email to all the people that forward and say, "The forwards fill up my inbox and I've recently been having problems with my computer because of some viruses that may have been enclosed in the messages you sent.  Please stop sending me forwards from now on.  If you can't stop, then I will block all emails coming from you.  Thank you."

  6. Just tell them the truth.I do not want them and if you insist in sending them I will delete them unread.I do it all the time.

  7. Nicely let them know you don't want to receive them.  Honesty is always the best policy.

  8. I had to personally call a family member and tell them that I have alot of important e-mails that I am awaiting, and I would prefer that they send me only personal messages in that I love to hear from them, not forwarded e-mails.

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