
Tactics for fighting southpaws?

by  |  earlier

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if your of average height,stature what are the tactics that should be deployed against south paws taller and shorter? I have been advised contradictionarily in the past..also if you are a southpaw the reverse applies..thankyou for your answers in advance




  1. if you are fighting a southpaw you want to move the opposite way you would move for someone with an Orthodox stance. when boxing you don't get stopped you simply have to change

  2. Beat them to the punch,be faster,be more aware of his left,keep moving away from his power which is his left.Avoid taking solid punches by movement of your body and if that doesn't work,go with the punch[meaning if he punches you ,move your head in the direction where the blow is meant to go.God bless.

  3. Keep your left foot outside of his right foot...Move to your left: that way you won't get caught by his left hand...And most important: Use your left hook as much as you can

  4. Keep your left foot outside his right foot.

    This makes your jab and hook shorter and closer to him.

    It also lets you have your right hand directly in the middle of his body.

    A straight right should beat his straight left.

    Many left handed fighters throw a looping left instead of a straight left.

    If you can time the punches you should beat him to the punch every time.

    With this stanch you can dominate his jab and hooks by being outside of his right arm which opens up his entire right side to your jabs and hooks, and make your right a shorter distance than his left.

    Circling to your left is a good idea, but you can not move in circles the entire fight. Just control the  movement and don't let him get outside your left foot.

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