
Tads daughter on AMC...?

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Dont you think she is a little young to be playing a serial killer.....Did you see her with that doll today




  1. she's seen her "real" mom & dad die in a car accident. then her second mom Julia gets shot & dies. her biological mom Dixie is dead and all she has left is Tad & Crystal & they better watch her when she plays with  the baby & Ryan's little girl!

  2. Heaven forbid she hooks up with Annie!!!

  3. I know! This reminds me of that old movie called the Bad Seed where the sweet looking little girl killed some kid over a spelling bee medal! Kate obviously doesn't take after Dixie!

  4. She wants Tad all to herself.  I don't blame her for feeling somewhat insecure.  She's been through a lot for her age.  I wouldn't want Crystal for a step mother either.  

  5. I agree the whole story line doesn't make sense but of course it is a soap.. LOL

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