
Taekwondo Disadvantage?

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I've been doing taekwondo for about 3 months now and I've advanced to my yellow belt just recently..

But I can't do some of the exercises like the sit-ups..

Could you recommend an exercise or exercises that I could do to improve my body so I can be able to the sit-ups and push-ups..

Detailed explanaitions would be very appreciated... :]




  1. One way to strengthen your core (abs), is to work your back! If you work opposite muscles, it makes a stronger muscle group. You can do these things called "supermans", you lay flat on your stomach with your arms straight out in front of your head, you then lift your arms and legs up in the air leaving only your stomach on the ground, you can either hold those or do reps of them.

    Making your abs stronger: You can do leg lifts, you lay on your back and try to bring your legs to roughly a 90 degree angle (so basically straight in front of you). You can hold a pullup (but instead of doing pullups), raise your knees up to your chest. Cardio will also help your abs.

    Work in moderation: Don't start out with 500 situps, work small and get big.

  2. The only way you can improve your situps is situps. The same goes with pushups. You don't have to do a lot of them.. just start small. If your too weak to do one pushup or situp (you should be doing crunches) well then your seriously out of shape.

  3. One thing that I worked on that is easy to do even for beginners is do these type of leg lifts...Lie down and get a partner to stand with their legs apart over your head so you can look up at their crotch persay. Then you are going to lift your legs at them, they are going to grab them and push them back down, just make sure you don't hit the ground, keep them raised about eh three inches or so off the ground. Start with a simple three sets of five reps taking a ten minute rest between each set, that should help.

  4. you can google any terms you dont understand but these exercises will help you.first buy a stability ball. you can find them at walmart for about 15-20 dollars. I assume you are a female of average height so you will need a medium stability ball. If you are tall 6 ft or above get a large ball. you will start by sitting on the stability ball and rolling down into a situp position ( the ball comes with a wall chart and dvd that show detailed pics of all exercises). next do as many stomach crunches as you can do. shoot for 10. make sure you extend all the way back on the ball and crunch all the way forward. after you do 10 wait about 1 minute and do 10 more and wait 1 minute and (you guessed it) do 10 more. thats 3 sets 10 reps. after a week or so 10 will get easy then you can start doing 15 crunches the 20, 30, 40, all the way to 100! this will strengthen your core enough to be able to do alot of situps. for push ups start out by keeping your knees on the ground while you are doing push ups do 3 sets of 10 and finish by getting into a push up or PLANK POSITION. hold that position for as long as you can possibly hold it. ( plank is a yoga pose very helpfull for building core strength google this) it will not happen over night but these 3 exercises combined with your martial arts exercises will build the strength you need to do push ups and sit ups and kick a little butt!

  5. Try doing push ups with knees bent and touching the ground, or against the wall or on the stairs to make it eaiser. You could just stay in a push up position but not do anything.

    lay down on a carpet. don't move any part of your body but your legs, and lift your legs up as high as you can and stay for 2-3 seconds. or just do easy crunches. Work on your breathing when you do these.

  6. It's easy all you need to do is when doing a push up is when going down exhale when going up inhale same for sit-ups and just in case it doesn't work try right before going to  bed to 5 push ups and 5 sit ups trust thanks to  the breathing and this exercise I can do 40 push-ups and 70 sit-ups and I have 4 pack abs and I just turned 14 in February.And do not worry in taekwondo they teach you all this stuff.

    Holder of a orange belt and might get the green belt or my taekwondo master will give me the blue belt directly in god's willing.

  7. mybe your lookin for kickboxing its sorta like tae kwon doe but is involved with hands and legs not just that they give a great physical workout

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