
Taekwondo trainer for kids... Greater Manchester?

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Anyone know any Taekwondo Trainers in Greater Manchester that will teach kids??

My son is 4 and a half and he LOVES Martial Arts, and is always flippin around the room and kicking about. For a child i think he's Brill, he has a hard punch!!

Anyone know any place i can send him? & do u have a number for the place please?

btw KATANA 172 = SHOULD you feel the need to answer this question, cuz ur so indestructible and know everything... i would just like to say that this comment you made:

"Judo's system would turn anyone into a person that could beat Bruce Lee with their little finger, which you learn to detatch and command with just your mind.

I have scared my own self with my amazing chi abilities."

Bullshitsu would sort u out good and proper!

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  1. I'l train him. I'm very good and i know most martial arts.

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