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tailgating seems to be an offensive / dangerous thing to do while driving. i think its dangerous because the other car might slow down.. but how would it be offensive? (besides maybe the fact it tells you that "you drive too slow"?)

a friend of mine said he tailgated someone because that person pissed him off.. (probalby not a smart thing to do.. but i take it that tailgating is offensive. how?




  1. it is over aggressive driving, not respecting the other drivers around you

  2. Tailgating is offensive because it is a statement that the person doesn't give a c**p about the property, indeed the very lives of other people on the road.  My favourite is when somebody tailgates, then finds out the person he tailgated is an off-duty police officer.  Some states have initiated MINIMUM fines of $2,500 for tailgaters.  Personally, I think it should be $10,000.  Tailgating is the same kind of offensive and dangerous  behaviour as waving a sword or a gun at people.  Your friend is a retarded fool who doesn't deserve a driver licence until he grows up.

  3. I think someone needs to make a bumper sticker that says "its called a turn signal a*****e" and then we can pass them out to all our FAVORITE drivers!

  4. whoever tailgates is a r****d. period.

    I dont care how angry you are. tailgating can only make things worse.

  5. "tailgating seems to be an offensive / dangerous thing to do"

    Seems to be!     Get real,  it is.

    Dangerous because there is no time/room to avoid an accident if something happens in front of you.    Multi-car collisions are most often the result of following too closely,   there was an accident and the last few idiots couldn't stop in time.     Also,  if something falls from the pick-up in front of you,  you will get hit by it most likely.   If you want to pass slower traffic,  following too closely makes it harder to see around the car in front of you,  and lessens the distance you have to speed up making the time required to pass longer.    Tailgating me heightens the chances that my coffee is cold,  and needs to be discarded on your light colored car.

    It's not the tailgating that is offensive in your friends case,  it was him.   He was guilty of "road rage",   along with blatent immaturity and stupidity.    He put himself in a place to make things worse,  if the other person had stopped suddenly  and he hit them,   he was at fault.     When dealing with stupid people on the highway,   practice the "rule of FIDO" ----  forget about it,  drive on!

    The more room there is between vehicles,   the safer everyone is!

  6. State Patrol officer told me a good way to get someone off your bumper is to spray your windows with the window cleaner switch in your auto a nd the water will also  hit the persons windshield behind you. They will back off.

  7. In most states tailgating is a traffic violation--in my state if you are observed tailgating you can get pulled over by the cops and charged with a moving violation.

    Obviously one of the major reasons for the rule is the driver may have to stop suddenly and then the tailgater would crash right into them.

    Offensive drivers take the "I'm right and I am do what I want on the road." These are generally the people who when coming to a yield---just ignore it and go right through. Offensive drivers are the ones who go by their own rules and are the ones who often cause car accidents.

    Your friend obviously has a form of road rage and tries to fight back using a pretty deadly machine (his auto).

    When people tailgate me and I am either going above or at the speed limit...I slow down to let them pass.

    Defensive Driving is advocated NOT Offensive driving

  8. look at it this way. if everytime you look in your rear view mirror  you see a line of cars  behind you, you are driving to slow and you need to speed up a little on the other hand if you think everyone out there drives to slow you are driving to fast and you need to slow down a little. don't assume that just because you are  in no hurry that no one has a reason to be, give way and let them go.  you will feel  safer, it is possible they just got a phone call from their daughter saying some one was breaking the door down at home in that situation (now be honest) would you be in a hurry and  tailgate to get around a putt putt as soon as possible.

  9. Tailgating is rude, offensive, and it leads to road rage.

    Tailgating can also result in damaged vehicles and pricey tickets.

    If your friend is tailgating and is pulled over, he probably wouldn't like a ticket.  

    Sometimes it is better to give in rather than fight back.

  10. Your friend is an idiot.

  11. Because you are an accident waiting to happen, you have no time to react to any emergency stops with your car up next to someones rear bumper . Most drivers do not like having an idiot riding up close as they are a danger to your car and yourself.
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