
Tails problems?

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How can i stop my horses pulling out their tail, i can't have tail bags on them, and i can't keep them shut up all the time, what can i do




  1. If they are rubbing it out, they probably have worms. I would deworm them. Pinworms cause a horse to rub it's tail really bad. It can also be triggered by a small biting flies or allergies. A few horses will do it just because they are bored similar to cribbing or weaving). I would rule out worms first.

  2. If they are itching thier tails then that probualy means that well it itchy.. its actually a big problem with my show horses.. its imperitive they keep there feather on the top of there tail long to cover ther tail braces in the show... all there tails are wraped up in sheets to keep the length up and clean.... but everyday i have a mix of leave in conditioner, water and listerine.. and i spray that on there tail and rub it in.. it will clean any thing that they may be itching at.

    Also... check your horses tails for ticks... sometimes if they are out they can get ticks and its hard to see so you realy have to look.. that can be a big problem... believe it or not one of my saddlebreds live in a turn out with just dirt... and he still gets ticks on his tail... so you just got to keep on top of it... also every week wash your horses tails with dandrif shampoo and conditioner...

    another think you may want to do is use viniger and lemmon juice and put that on thier tails.. but ust keep on top of it brush it everyday and uses the spray conditioner

    good luck

  3. Are they doing it because they are bored? Perhaps they need more mental stimulation during the day to keep them occupied. I've got a friend who gives her horses treats hidden inside tubes or cut-open soccer balls so that they have to scrounge around and try hard to get the treats out.
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