
Take Your kid to work day?

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Alright so take your kid to work day is being held at my school in November. Anyways my dad's job works for the government of the Province i live in (I'm canadian). He has a good job makes good money. But alot of teachers at my school really hate the government party he works for. Including the teacher that is in charge of take your kid to work day, and she will be marking each project and obviously i have to say his job title. And i am really worried that she will take my mark down and quite afew kids at my school also hate the government he works for. And i am just really worried that no one will talk to me and teachers will hate me if I say my dads real job. So my question is do you think it would be totally wrong if i talk to my dad and call his job a different title. Like something with advertising or computers because he works alot with that stuff now. Thank You. btw i am in grade 9 and go to a private school. oh and is there anyway i could get out of take your kid to work day??




  1. Don't be ashamed of what your father does for a living!!  Make a statement!!!  

  2. Lol..some day years from now you will be sitting around a table with friends drinking wine, telling this story and you will have everyone in stitches.

    Take him to school. You'll love yourself for it when you're older.

  3. Isn't it optional? There are some jobs out there that are not safe for kids to be at anyway. If you are that worried about it, talk to your dad and find out what other positions he holds. Many people have many different titles I'm sure he could help you.

  4. First of all, it sounds to me as if you have your priorities mixed up, young man! Never be ashamed of what your father does to make an honest living to take care of his family!!

    Our world is full of jobs that have to be done that are not the most pleasant of jobs, but, that does not mean they could go without someone having the education and skills, not to mention the courage, to step up and DO THEM!!! It sounds like your father is one of those type people and instead of being proud of him, you are acting like you are ashamed of him??

    What gives here?? Your teacher has no right to ever impose her implied HATRED of ANY government party on ANY of her students while they are in her care, and if she has done so, this should be reported not only to these students parents, but to the school officials also!!

    Her personal opionins about government policies should not be something used to make you feel uncomfortable at all, and certainly should not be a cause for you being this stressed about a day that most young people would be looking forward to spending with one of their parents!!

    As for some of your friends not talking to you, friends that would re-act or treat you like that, are really not your friends anyway!!

    My advice to you is to start holding your head high, when asked where your Dad works, you tell people exactly where he works, what he does, and if they comment, simply say something like--"yeah-I know, there are a lot of thankless jobs out there, but I'm glad my Dad has the skills and courage to do his every day for his family-- he sure means the world to us". And you might add"remember what a thankless job our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ had--but he STILL CHOSE TO DIE ON THAT CROSS FOR YOU AND ME SO WE WOULDN'T HAVE TO!!

    Always Be Proud Of Your Dad, Son!!

  5. Be honest and proud about what your dad does the teacher can not let her political feelings get in the way of her teaching if she does take the matter up with the principal. But if you are so upset about it what does your mother do, even if she is a stay at home mom that is a job see if your teacher will let you go with that one.

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