
Take a little time to read the following and tell what you think of it?

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There are time when it rains and it never seems to stop

Times when we pain and no one is around

Then we aren't entitled to anything because everything is a bonus

Live today like you really want to

Shine despite the weather





  1. Your grammar is horrible.

  2. I think it means, well at least to me,

    We need to make the best out of Today, even if it "seems" bad, because,

    we are not promised tomorrow.

    thanks, I enjoyed it.


  3. That sounds very inspirational. It's a beautiful piece of work. But maybe you should add something, like, WHY you should 'live today like you really want to', instead of saying how things are bad and then suddenly saying to shine. It's already a wonderful poem though, I hope you keep writing!

  4. i think it means that you will have obsticales (spelling?) in life. but despite these you should always be yourself and the best you can be. dont lose your personality

  5. the line "shine despite the weather" makes me think that you should be all you can be no matter your surroundings or who is watching


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